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�a�'.. ,}� <br /> I�Y 11, 1931 ( cont ' d) <br /> �* zole in your time of so rro;=r . <br /> It ��ras �rith profound sadness that the members of �Ghis <br /> oard learned of the dea�h of your beloved husband <br /> nd one of the City' s faithful and heroic executives. <br /> - ` e are sure that it tirill 'oe of some consolation to you <br /> o kno;7 oi the high esteem and re�;ard in ��rhich your <br /> sba.nd �vas held by his su�eriors and t'.le men under - <br /> � is j�urisdicti on, and to knoti�r that the Board of <br /> ublic Safet�T is eobnizant of his fine loy�.l and heroic <br /> . ervice to this Ci�y for the past six years and espec- <br /> 'ally �or the year a,nd one-half that he ��ras C'nief under <br /> he present �ldministration. . <br /> he mernbe rs of tiii s Board are d eeply in s;�m�ath� t�ith <br /> ou in this hour of sol°ro�� and mourn the untir�ely <br /> yassin� o�' Chief Zenon. <br /> � V e ry tru l,y you.r s, <br /> BOARD OF PUBLIC St'�.Fi�iY. <br /> ',`PD :TR T;:EP;�E'RS. ir <br /> DOG OUi1D DEP�RT�'�iai' <br /> Requ' sitions and bills approved �,nd ordered paid. <br /> Clerr , "1m Doti7iles ma,de report of tYie Dog Potxnd Depa.rtnen� for the <br /> past �•reek. <br /> On m tion of i'r. Gadacz, seconded by �,"r. Lon„ meetin� ad�ourned <br /> a,� t n o ' clock .'�.'.'. <br /> - • � PRi;SID�;T�ti, BQt1RD OF PUBLIC Sz1F�1`I. <br /> . i1TTE i• d`�—�'"Lti�'.L�---� <br /> �C :�KIi, BOz�I?D OF PUBLIC Sl��'�1Y. <br />