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REGULAR MEETING <br />SEPTEMBER 24, 2007 <br />WHEREAS, the Common Council of the City of South Bend, Indiana, has <br />adopted a Declaratory Resolution designating certain areas within the City as <br />Residentially Distressed Areas for the purpose of tax abatement consideration; and <br />WHEREAS, a Declaratory Resolution designated the area commonly known as <br />219, 222, 224, 228, 231 South Notre Dame Avenue and 827 East Wayne Street, South <br />Bend, Indiana, and which is more particularly described as follows: <br />Parcel 1: <br />A lot or parcel of land described as follows: Commencing at the southeast corner <br />of Lot three hundred thirty four (334) in Samuel L. Cottrell's first addition to the <br />town of Lowell, now a part of the city of South Bend, thence running west on the <br />south line of said lot, 82 1/2 feet: thence north 33 feet; thence east 82 '/z feet to the <br />east line of said lot, thence south 33 feet to the place of beginning. (Tax ID #18- <br />6003-0074) <br />Also the east''/z of the lot numbered three hundred thirty-five (335) in Samuel L. <br />Cottrell's first addition to the town of Lowell, now a part of the city of South <br />Bend, recorded May 4, 1860 in the office of the recorder of St. Joseph County, <br />Indiana, in Plat Book 1, Page 49. (Tax ID # 18-6003-0075) <br />Parcel IL <br />The south half (1/2) of lot numbered three hundred thirty three (333) as shown on <br />the recorded plat of Samuel L. Cottrell's first addition to the town of Lowell, now <br />city of South Bend, Indiana (Tax ID # 18-6003-0070) <br />Parcel III: <br />The north half of lot numbered three hundred thirty four (334) as shown on the <br />recorded plat of Samuel L. Cottrell's addition, also known as Samuel L. Cottrell's <br />First addition , to the town of Lowell, now a part of the City of South Bend, in St. <br />Joseph County, Indiana (Tax ID # 18-6003-0071). <br />Parcel IV <br />The north half of lot numbered five as shown on the recorded plat of Adam <br />Barman's subdivision of large lot numbered twenty-one in Samuel L. Cottrell's <br />First addition to the town of Lowell, now a part of the City of South Bend (Tax ID <br /># 18-6007-0172). <br />Parcel V: <br />The south half of lot numbered four (4) in Adam Barman's subdivision of large <br />lot numbered twenty-one in Samuel L. Cottrell's fast addition to the town of <br />Lowell, now a part of the City of South Bend, excepting there from a lot or parcel <br />of land 42 '/z feet in width, east and west, taken off of and from the entire width of <br />the east and thereof. (Tax ID # 18-6007-0170). <br />Parcel VL <br />Part of lot numbered four (4) as shown on the recorded plat of Adam Barman's <br />subdivision of large lot numbered twenty-one in Samuel L. Cottrell's first <br />addition to the town of Lowell, now a part of the city of South Bend, in St. Joseph <br />County, Indiana, described as beginning at the northwest corner of said lot <br />numbered 4; running thence east 122.5 feet; thence south 33 feet; thence west <br />122.5 feet; thence south 33 feet; thence west 122.5 feet to the east line of Notre <br />Dame Avenue in the city of South Bend ;thence north along the east line of Notre <br />Dame Avenue, 33 feet to the place of beginning. (Tax ID # 18-6007-0169). <br />Parcel VII: <br />A lot or parcel of land forty -two and one half (42 ''/z) feet in width, east and west, <br />taken off and from the entire width of the east end of lot numbered four (4) as <br />shown on the recorded plat of Adam Barman's subdivision of large lot numbered <br />12 <br />