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eighty(180) days after said damage for any reason whatsoever, the Tenant may terminate this <br /> Lease. <br /> 11. SIGNS. <br /> Tenant shall pay for all signs related to the Tenant's use of the Premises. Signage shall be <br /> permitted on the outside of the Building as approved by the Landlord. No additional sign, <br /> advertisement, or notice may be inscribed, painted, or affixed on any part of the outside or <br /> inside of the Premises or building by the Tenant except on the doors of the Premises leased <br /> by the Tenant and on the directory board, and then at the Tenant's expense and only of such <br /> color, size, style, and material as is specified by the Landlord in writing. The Landlord <br /> reserves the right to remove all other signs at the expense of the Tenant. At the expiration of <br /> the lease term, the Tenant shall remove its signs from such doors and restore the Premises to <br /> substantially the same condition as existed prior to the commencement of the lease. <br /> 12. ALTERATIONS. <br /> No alterations or additions may be made and no fixtures may be affixed to the Premises <br /> or the building without prior written consent of the Landlord. All such alterations, additions, <br /> and fixtures,except the Tenant's trade fixtures and business machines, shall be and remain the <br /> property of the Landlord unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Landlord.The Tenant upon <br /> vacating the Premises will repair any damage caused by any alterations so that the Premises <br /> is in substantially the same condition as it was in at the commencement of the lease. <br /> 13. USE OF THE PREMISES. <br /> The Tenant (a) shall occupy and use the Premises during the term for the purposes <br /> specified in Paragraph 3, above, and none other; (b) may not make or permit any use of the <br />