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SPECIAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 17, 2007 <br />ordinance talks about forms of identification and he wonders how many of the students at <br />the various Universities have Indiana Driver's Licenses? On page 8 Section 14-56(d) <br />Insurance is mandating for parking, but it doesn't say what type of insurance or how <br />much insurance is supposed to be carried. Any other licensing ordinance that the City <br />has that mandates insurance it is specified in their and what type of insurance and how <br />much coverage they are supposed to have. Pages 8 and 9 Section 14-56(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g) <br />all of those sections refer to less than 10 motor vehicles or more than 10 motor vehicles, <br />what happens if you have exactly 10 motor vehicles? He suggested that the ordinance <br />read less than 10 motor vehicles or 10 or more motor vehicles. Page 9 item (i) <br />Exemptions, Mr. Clark stated that this really is not an exemption it is just another <br />ordinance. Mr. Clark noted that the one thing that really bothered him on page 10 <br />Section 14-57(a)(b) these sections state that if for some reason "we as the licensing folks <br />failed to include a permitted location on the transmittal list of residential locations where <br />we have issued permits, the sponsor or applicant is subject to the provisions of Section <br />14-58." Mr. Clark stated that it does not seem quite fair to the sponsor or the applicant <br />that if they have applied in good faith and we issue them a permit and through not fault of <br />their own, we error by not including them on an internal list, that they in turn be punished <br />for that. They did everything right and obtained a permit, in paragraph it is stated in <br />Section 14-53; 14-55; and 14-56 that all they need to conduct these activities is to obtain <br />a permit. He would like the Council to revisit those sections. He questioned whether or <br />not the Department of Public Works can process an application for greater than 10 <br />parking applications between 2:00 p.m. and closing on a Friday? He doesn't know if <br />whether or not the whole process of them submitting the application, reviewing it and <br />getting it to all the various departments can be accomplished. Mr. Clark wondered how <br />the City was going to handle spontaneous gatherings. Those are going to occur and we <br />are not going to get away with those at all. He noted definition of a boarding house on <br />page 2, is defined as a building and he is wondering if it should not be defined as a <br />residence. An apartment house is a building, which has multiple people living in it who <br />are not related to each other, duplex houses and that kind of thing. Mr. Clark stated that <br />these are just some things to think about before the ordinance gets passed. <br />Ms. Catherine Toppel, Director Code Enforcement, 13~` Floor County-City Building, <br />South Bend, Indiana, thanked the Council for all their hard work, the University of Notre <br />Dame, the neighbors, and everyone who has worked so hard this year to put together a <br />document that has certainly come a long way. Many people have said that tonight and <br />she wanted to make certain that she got her two bits in on that. She stated that her office <br />is one of the offices that receive the complaints on Monday mornings following the <br />parties that were held over the weekend. She stated that she is in favor of this concept. <br />Ms. Toppel absolutely believes that there needs to be a good tool in place and this <br />ordinance is just that tool. She noted that she has a couple of items that she has questions <br />on and stated that she has put these items in writing to keep them clear and conscience. <br />She noted that in Section 14-53(d) talks about a permit for a special event is referred to <br />the Department of Code Enforcement for review of safety requirements. She stated that <br />she is not certain of what safety requirements that the ordinance is referring to? Code <br />Enforcement does not have access inside of structures, so in addition, in her opinion that <br />is not a Code Enforcement duty, to review for a special event. Ms. Toppel stated that as <br />she read the ordinance numerous times she thought that maybe the Council was referring <br />to let Code Enforcement know that there was a party there and to look for debris etc., and <br />help to enforce in that way. She is not sure of what the Council is eluding to as far as the <br />safety requirements. In Section 14-54(a)(1) states that portable toilets are prohibited, and <br />that was based on a suggestions that she made, however, if it is worded as such where the <br />definition of a special event is a planned or unplanned gathering of people, that could <br />pose a problem for events such as "Rebuilding Together" or School activities which are <br />actually zoned residential and the soccer fields are zoned residential, she stated that she <br />does not believe that was the intent, but we may need more clarification on that. She <br />reiterated what Councilmember Rouse said earlier that this is a fluid document and can be <br />adjusted as time goes on. Regarding tents, Churches, and other not-for-profit groups put <br />up tents for festivals, etc., the applicant is at the mercy of the rental companies as to when <br />they will be put up and taken down. 14-56(b) the requirement to park less than 10 motor <br />vehicles concerns her and she would like to have some type of language in their of what <br />would give the City the authority to deny that type of permit. Ms. Toppel stated that she <br />