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SPECIAL MEETING SEPTEMBER 17, 2007 <br />in many fruitful and constructive discussions concerning the problem of disorderly <br />students living in the neighborhood surrounding the University of Notre Dame. She is <br />extremely pleased that from these conversations that Common Council President Rouse <br />and Councilmember Kirsits have introduced tonight proposed bill. The Community <br />Relations Coalition marks a major achievement for community relations. For the first <br />time there will be a forum for continued discussion between City officials, South Bend <br />Residents, area Universities, and students living in South Bend neighborhoods. While <br />this coalition was created in response to the problem of disorderly students her hope is <br />that this body will also serve as an area to discuss the range of issues effecting area <br />neighborhoods. By bringing together all of the interested parties they can act in a truly <br />collaborative and proactive manner to improve community relations. She is also pleased <br />with the co-sponsors decision to pursue alternative initiatives to address community <br />issues rather than the social gathering permit process. She stated that she has repeatedly <br />mentioned that they remain committed to addressing the problem of disruptive student <br />parties that clearly affect neighborhood residence quality of life. She noted that improved <br />student behavior in the preceding month has validity their commitment to this issue. She <br />hoped that continued improvements will lead to a better community environment for all <br />area residents. Notre Dame Student Government will continue to lead the way in this <br />regard by hosting programs throughout the year to encourage students to act as <br />responsible citizens of the City of South Bend. She again thanked the co-sponsors of this <br />bill for all of their hard work to address this issue of utmost concern to both community <br />residents and Notre Dame Students. An affirmative vote on tonight's bill might signal <br />and end to discussion on this particular piece of legislation it also represents significant <br />progress in community relations. She looks forward to discussions over the coming year <br />as they continue to candidly address the issues that affect the South Bend Community <br />most. <br />Ms. Marguerite Taylor, 714 E. Corby Blvd., South Bend, Indiana, stated that she is a <br />member of the CCAC. She asked the Council not to committee this bill to death. This is <br />a quality of life issue and this bill needs to be passed. She stated that she lives right in the <br />middle of the neighborhood that this bill affects. Ms. Taylor stated that she printed 53 <br />comments off of the website concerning this bill. She stated that they are <br />comments from Notre Dame Students showing their arrogance towards this issue. How <br />dare they tell her that she should move if she doesn't like the partying going on. She <br />quoted one comment "If you don't like living here around a college campus where parties <br />have been going on since the college was founded MOVE!" She stated that she has lived <br />there long enough to have paid the house off. She has lived at that residence longer than <br />Ms. Brown's mother is old! She stated "Do I have to move... I don't think so..." <br />Another comment was "the City of South Bend seems to forget that it is Notre Dame that <br />brings money in... and the South Bend Common Council should be focusing on more <br />important issues." Ms. Taylor stated that "they" don't bring her a dime! She stated that <br />she pays taxes, votes, and should have the right to live in peace. She stated that she has <br />the right for students not to urinate on her porch! She has the right to not have a student <br />throw a beer bottle through her window! This is why she is so passionate about this bill. <br />She stated that last year's student body president met with all the residents and <br />neighborhood organizations. There was good dialogue and ideas going on and guess <br />what... she graduated and MOVED! ! So then the residents and neighborhood <br />organization had to start all over again! And this is where we are today. She urged the <br />Council to pass this bill. <br />Mr. Don Sniegowski, 917 N. St. Peter, South Bend, Indiana, stated that he lived prior at <br />1004 St. Vincent, and stated that they have lived in the neighborhood for 37 years. He <br />stated that he is a Notre Dame Alumni and taught at the University for 41 years prior to <br />his retirement. He stated that he supports both parts of the ordinance under questions. <br />But tonight he wishes to speak towards the party portion of it. He is a little bit caught <br />because for the first time he saw the inclusion of some things that he had not seen if prior <br />version of the bill. The northeast neighborhood has seen a lot over the years and <br />Councilmember Kirsits reiterated over those issues. All of these items listed in the bill <br />pose a threat to quality of life and also a threat to public safety. The safety of not only <br />the long-term residence, but also to the party goers as well, who are often wondering in <br />the middle of the street drunk and could get hit. The passage of the amendment to the <br />