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REGULAR MEETING AUGUST 27, 2007 <br />prosper. River Park will not develop as a community it needs families, you won't get <br />families if you don't have homes with yards and places for those children to play and <br />grow. They won't have the children that are needed to attend the area schools, play in the <br />City Parks, go to the zoo or attend the local college. River Park will eventually fade and <br />all that will be left will be multi-family homes with people going to work and spending <br />their dollars some place else. She hoped that the Council would do what is best for River <br />Park and vote no to the rezoning. <br />Mr. Dennis Frank, 3420 Northside Blvd., South Bend, Indiana, stated that he lives east of <br />the proposed development. He stated that two years ago there was a petition with over <br />300 names of people who were opposed to this rezoning, not to a specific site plan but the <br />rezoning in general. He has really seen no evidence that the majority of those people <br />have change their mind other than that they have been through this process so many times <br />and the proposed developed has been postponed for over two years, it seems like the <br />petitioner is trying to wear the residents down by coming to all the meetings and then <br />when they get there just postpone the project because things are not going in their favor. <br />Mr. Frank stated that he is very concerned with the setback requirements. It was said that <br />grade would have to be raised on the property by the river. If you raise grade say 6' and <br />install a 6' fence, now the grade is higher than the fence, plus you have to make that <br />change within the 12' and this is going to be a very steep slope. He just doesn't see <br />proper screening being able to be met on that slope. Mr. Frank stated that he has been <br />told first that they won't have to raise the grade and now is being told that the grade will <br />have to be raised. He reiterated that he is against this project, however if the Council <br />votes in favor of this project that they get written commitments from Mr. Mihalche with <br />larger setbacks. <br />Mr. Ron Hively, 3504 Northside Blvd., South Bend, Indiana, stated that he doesn't <br />understand why they keep going through this. He stated that it has been a waste of the <br />Council's time and the residents of the neighborhood. He stated that he is very much <br />against this project, this is not what the neighbors want, they want single family <br />residential homes on that property. Mr. Hively stated that they have discussed the extra <br />traffic that would be added, building on a flood plain, the setbacks, etc. He questioned <br />why the Council allows this bill to just keep being continued time and time again. <br />There was no one else present wishing to speak in opposition to this bill. <br />In rebuttal, Mr. Danch advised that the flood plain issue that has been discussed before <br />there is a portion of the site has the floodway on it down by the St. Joseph River. There <br />is also a portion of the site that is considered in the flood plain. Any buildings that are <br />built on this project site if they were anywhere near the floodplain would have to be 2' <br />above the 100 year floodplain in order not be required not to have insurance. The <br />floodway area is strictly prohibited. Mr. Danch stated that they had talked with the DNR <br />and have sent copies of the site plan, the original site plan that they had done on the site <br />and the DNR said as long as they stayed outside of the floodway that there were no <br />permits required for what they were asking to be able to do. Mr. Danch advised that they <br />will most likely still send them copies of the plan once they do the engineering work on <br />this particular development. Regarding the rezoning proposal, over half the site if MF1 <br />which allows for the development that they are asking to be done. Basically, the portions <br />on the east and west sides of the site which are presently zoned SF2 and that is what they <br />are asking to be rezoned to the MF1 District. The request regarding the side yard setback <br />what they had mentioned two years ago on the 20' was under a different plan that was <br />also the proposal to do condominiums. What the residents were concerned about at that <br />time were rental units. Mr. Danch stated that they have now changed to 24 single-family <br />homes, these are not rental units, they are single family attached houses. Because they <br />have changed the development they also changed the size of the buildings that they are <br />using, these are larger than what the original plan had of 28 units. They believe that the <br />residents wanted single family and that is what they are proposing for this type of <br />development. They do have the setbacks of 22' along the northern boundary and are <br />asking for the 12' down along where the river is. That is away from any of the adjacent <br />residence. The adjacent residences have their building closer to Northside Blvd. Under <br />the MF1 district they are actually allowed to go down to 6' for a side yard setback. So <br />