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CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> should know. We get a good job by way of the skills embedded in this,the apprenticeship training, <br /> workforce development,jobs and payroll. Those are all important. Safety is also embedded in this <br /> as well. I think that is important. I think the last point I would like to make is that whenever there <br /> is fraud, whether is it locally or federal or state, in terms of wages, and that's not addressed <br /> appropriately, that does affect every taxpayer in our local government. I think the verification a <br /> part of this is reasonable. I'm happy with the process and this is a practical approach. <br /> Dr. James Mueller, Executive Director of the Department of Community Investment with offices <br /> on the 14ffi floor of the County-City Building, stated, It was great collaboration. There was a lot of <br /> dialogue. I will say that any detractors from this final work product were things we had long hours <br /> of dialogue on. Particularly, we wanted to find out how small businesses can still work. We had a <br /> meaningful compromise here where it is not just projects over $150,000. If it is a project over <br /> $150,000 and a subcontracting piece of that is under $150,000, they are exempt. This is different <br /> from the other RBOs in other communities so that was a meaningful compromise. We talked a lot <br /> about the workforce developments and they actually line up a lot with the State requirements for <br /> large contracts. So this isn't anything that earth shattering or different than what goes on across <br /> the State.Indianapolis and other major cities have this.Indianapolis is the fastest growing economy <br /> in the State so this certainly isn't going to hurt our economy. <br /> Committee Chair Voorde asked, How was the $150,000 threshold determined? <br /> Eric Horvath, Director of Public Works with offices on the 131` floor, replied, There are a couple <br /> requirements involved such as bidding requirements. When we were looking at this Ordinance,we <br /> wanted the responsible piece to have additional submission requirements to make sure we are <br /> ensuring we have responsible bidders. At the same time,we are trying to find the sweet spot so we <br /> didn't make it overly onerous on any of the contractors with all the paperwork they have to do that <br /> is mandatory. We didn't want to create any additional barriers for folks. In particular, some of the <br /> small businesses don't have the ability to do all the bonding requirements and other things. Putting <br /> additional requirements on top of that would have prevented us from having small businesses bid <br /> on our projects. I don't know if there is any magic to that threshold but we felt like we typically <br /> have projects under that and then we have a handful above that and it seemed like a good place to <br /> put it. <br /> Committee Chair Voorde stated,I'm sure a bill this took this long took into consideration the effect <br /> this might have on MBEs and WBEs. <br /> Mr.Horvath replied,Absolutely and those typically go hand in hand with the SBEs.The Diversity <br /> Utilization Board is reconvening and we are looking at ways to continue supporting those <br /> enterprises to increase their participation with the City. When you get new folks to the table who <br /> haven't been through the process before, it is a difficult process. To make it as simple as possible <br /> is our goal. This is part of it. <br /> Committee Chair Voorde asked, Is this certification level a local qualification or a State-wide <br /> qualification? <br /> Mr. Horvath replied, The prequalification in this Ordinance would be part of the City's process. It <br /> is basically so that they don't have to submit it. If you submit bids on five (5) different jobs over <br /> a year,some of this information will be the same information and rather than having them resubmit <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building I227W.Jefferson BvldI South Bend,Indiana 46601 p574.235.92211f574.235.9173ITTD574.235.55671www• <br /> 3 <br />