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®CITY OF SOUTH BEND I OFFICE OF THE CLERK <br /> also some areas to stop on a far side of an intersection from a safety perspective. There are a lot of <br /> factors to bus stops and if people aren't telling us, it is hard to know. <br /> Kareemah Fowler, City Clerk with offices on the 4th floor of the County-City Building asked, Do <br /> you have an engineer? <br /> Ms. Hill replied,No,we do not. <br /> Clerk Fowler replied, That is probably what you need. <br /> Ms. Hill stated, That is what we contracted out. We are a very lean staff. We don't have engineers <br /> and we don't even have transit planner on staff. We work very closely with MACOG. <br /> Councilmember Scott stated, Maybe the City should look at TIF funding to help some of these <br /> issues. <br /> Committeemember Andrew Duncan arrived at the meeting at 5:25 p.m. <br /> Councilmember Scott continued, We need to be working with you to see how we can help. <br /> Ms. Hill stated, We are moving into a second phase of this. We are adding another twenty (20)to <br /> twenty-five (25) bus shelters as we have grant funding for that. We just got the proposals for the <br /> shelter designs. We will then go out for bid and we expect them to go in soon. Those locations are <br /> already predetermined as that is part of the Federal grant. We can send that list via email but it is <br /> based on ridership and income populations. For example, Western Avenue by the KROC Center. <br /> We are replacing the one (1) by Walmart on Ireland Road. We are really excited about that. The <br /> third phase will add additional amenities. We are still within this first year. We are also looking at <br /> adopt a stop programs where we can partner with local organizations in the area. <br /> Ms. Fritzberg asked, How do you interface with the City and our work on curbs and sidewalks? <br /> What does the communication line look like? <br /> Ms. Hill stated, There has not been good communication and that has improved significantly. We <br /> weren't even getting street closure from the City. We addressed a lot of those issues. There are <br /> always ways to improve that communication and it has made leaps and bounds this past year and <br /> a half. <br /> Councilmember Oliver Davis asked, Could you speak more to the transportation working group? <br /> Ms. Fritzberg replied, That is an internal group that has met three (3) or four(4)times. It consists <br /> of myself, Jitin, the Mayor and have had some traffic engineers. The purpose is to put heads <br /> together with past and current TRANSPO leadership and to see how the City can support them. <br /> Ms. Hill interjected, It is really to improve the communication. It has been really beneficial. It is <br /> very informal. <br /> Councilmember Davis followed up,Are there any creative ways to clean up around bus stops? <br /> EXCELLENCE I ACCOUNTABILITY I INNOVATION I INCLUSION I EMPOWERMENT <br /> 455 County-City Building 1 227 W.Jefferson Bvld South Bend,Indiana 466011 p 574.235.9221 If 574.235.9173 1 TTD 574.235.5567 <br /> 4 <br />