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Mo tai on tr•evailec , . that f the . b ill of -Dr, Luc-as. f or.. • s_ervic e s to a <br />C <br />prisonerbe ,referred to the .cdty attorney. before action was taken. <br />by the Board. a <br />Motion prevailed to instruct the Chief of Police to see that <br />the equipment of ambulance especially the lungmotor was placed <br />in good condition and that all station men be instructed in the rose <br />of the instrument. <br />On motion of Mr. Reeder and a second by Mr. Nicely. The meeting <br />adjourned at 5:30 p,m. <br />Attes ...�.;:.... <br />Pre . ©f" t e Board, <br />ka- 7 -.17, - -1926 ":Meeting held. in the Board of Public oaf e.ty off icea. All <br />members being present, <br />Atty. S>smuel Swartz appeared before the board and asked that <br />in the futre the Officers of the Police Dept.. be instructed to send :asl <br />Miss Mild Meteaka to her home when she is found on the streets. Th#: <br />Chief of Police Was so instructed. <br />Motion prevailed to place: the report of the Weights and Mea <br />department on file, <br />The matter of diseus.sing,v a- county weights and measures <br />inspector was .tabled until a later -date so that an investigation coo <br />On motion of Mr„ Reeder and a- second by Mr. Engeldrtm the- <br />clerk was instructed. to have slow. down signs erected at the corn- <br />Indiana Ave and Main Sts. <br />Motion prevailed, to prohibit races at Playland park W. <br />day athee the races mould.interfear with the American legion P <br />Motion pr.evale_d. to plac - . on file the report of tb <br />department for the week and for the month. <br />Motion prevailed_ that . the; fell_owing men, be appo he .` <br />fire alarm and.. poliee alarm. station to start work Wedne y 9 <br />The motion was made by Mr..Engeldrum:_:and seconded by Mrs, eseph <br />]reibelbis, 240 E.: Indiana. Ave, James G, Smith, 112 W- <br />William t,: Kazmirski, 224 lei. College. St.:, David taymOn& arrieon St., <br />Carl legerer, 1222 East_LaSalle,Ave.,,S,.J. Trittipo, 324 Cushing St. <br />Motion prevailed: instructing: the Fire Chief to purchase gas <br />ma for all ladder trucks , On .motion of Air, redder and a second by <br />. Engelcirum the Fire: Chief was instructed- to purchase emergency ;kitsvfor <br />11 ladder companies from the American Red Cross. <br />Motion prevailed to purchas 2 lawn mowers and 50 ft ; -of hose <br />or No. 7 fire s tat ion, <br />The reignition of Captain ..Paul Egress of L Bo; - 2 house house and <br />eut. Thomas Hearers of Ito, 2. was. acoepte.d. The resignition was ordered <br />laced on 'file R and. the clerk .instructed to have two applicants examined <br />d their application presented at the neat regular meeting of the board. <br />Motion prevailed instructing the Chief of Police to have the <br />ordinance re specting parking in alleys enforced. One eyed oars 'and <br />he dimming ordinance was ordered enforced, <br />of on ,prevailed to hd$eurn at 5 :14 p. <br />Attest... ......... - T r �--- <br />e • .l�r s ofy'the ..Beard,. <br />May 243P 1926 Meeting held in the offices of the Board of Safetg all <br />members being present. <br />Motion prevailed to have motorcycle men give special attention, <br />to parks since it was reported that many bulbs and - plants° have been <br />missing. <br />The applications of William Putz and Stewart Guzicki for the <br />fire department were axamined and the men accepted. Motion prevailed that. <br />they report for duty June 1.. <br />.Motion prevailed to purchase "paint for the police and Fire <br />boxes and thbhChh Mr, Qualls was instructed to see that the work is <br />carried.out at once. <br />, Representatives of the T. P. A. explained their ideas of <br />traffic regulation and were instructed tomappear before the board at a <br />latter date with any further sug gestion s they. might attain, - <br />Motion prevailed to refuse permission to hold motorcyele races <br />on Memorial day since they day is d.edieated to the American Legion and <br />other Veteran's. <br />- Motion= prevailed that the repost of the Captains following <br />inspection of fire arms be accepted and° that equipment fie° purchased to <br />bring the department up to date, } <br />®n motion of Mr. Reeder the meeting adjourned at 5 :20, <br />and on the call of Pres,t. Engeldrum the next regular meeting was <br />seheduled for Saturday May 29 at 3 p.m. <br />