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i9 <br />Friday. Nov, 13th. 1925: OffiPe of the 'Soard of.ftblio Safety, <br />meeting called to otder at 0 1�'.VO.All members being present, <br />minutes of,previous meeting were read and approved. <br />FIRE DEPARTMENT:- <br />BILLS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED. <br />Vouchers numbeted 1022 to 1067 Inclusive were allowed. <br />ELECTRICAL. DEPARTMENT.,- <br />REQUISITIONS PRESENTEIP'& APPROVED* <br />I <br />Requtitions nutnered 681 yo 683 inclusive were approved.' <br />BILLS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED. <br />Vouchers numbeted 2410 to 2411,2415 to 2416,-2419 to 2420, -2427 to <br />2491 to 251.6, 2521 -25022. inclusive were allowed. <br />WEIGHTS & MEASURE DEPARTTJ1ENT-.- <br />BILLS PRESENTED AND ALLOWEDA. <br />Vouchers numbered 2408-2409-2423--2517 to 2523. Inclusive were allowed. <br />POLICE DEPARTMENT: - <br />REQUISITIONS PRESENTED & APPRO'941). <br />Requisitions presented numbers 2378 to 2366 inclusive. <br />BILLS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED. <br />Vouchers numbered 2403 to 2407, 2412 to 2414,-2417-2418,2421,2422, <br />..2424 to 2426,2428-2490, 2518-2529 inclusive were allowed. <br />Motion prevailed that the applications of Louis Rostiser, <br />1,71ater R. Bahney, and Harold Eli. Graf, for positions in the police <br />department were accepted and ordered placed on file. <br />The Board went into session as a trial body to hear the follwaing <br />charges which were prefered officers Forrest D. Clark, Oral Hamiltont <br />A. E. Nelson and Wm. Timans, by chief Lane.. <br />TO THE BOARD OF PUBLIC SAFETY, Nov. 11th. 1925. <br />OF THE CITY OF SOUTH BEND,IND. <br />I hereby prefer the following charges against the following <br />named police officers of said city, namely Forrest D.Clark, Oral <br />Hamilton, A. E. Nelson, and William H. Winans, and hereby charge <br />said officers jointly and severally with conduct unbecoming an <br />officer of the Police Force of said city, in the following re.spect,to-wit: <br />1. That said named officers on the 6th. day of November, 1925, <br />left their beat and prescribed duties as such officers, without <br />authority, and at said abandoned the preformance of their regular <br />duties as such officers. <br />2. That said named officers on said 6th. day of November, 1925. <br />were found in a public roadhouse in company with persons who were then. <br />and there violating the law, and failed to make any arrest for such <br />violation. <br />3. That.said named officers were at said time and place ina <br />public road house outside of the limits of the City of South Rend and <br />had at said time knowledge that liguor was being kept at said premises <br />in violation of law, and failed to mmke anl'arrest for such violation, <br />And the-undersigned futhur specifically chatges the said Forrest <br />D. Clark with being on said occasion in possession of intoxicating <br />liquor, contrary to law and contrary to the orders of the Board of <br />Public Safety. (Signed.). L. J. Lane, Chief of Police. <br />The following witnesses were duly examined:- Thomas Goodrich, <br />Shefiff, Floyd Fishburn,Arthur Cissne, Blaine Crips, Clarence Conrade, <br />Ed. Ream, Jesse Cooper, and Chief Lane. and Serg't. Keller, Geo. Sands, <br />was tha attorney for the defendants, <br />The Board then went into executive session to consider evidence. <br />submitted, after a public hearing and submiasion of all evidence, the <br />Board went into exezutive session for the purpose of considering <br />all evidence submitted, after due and carefull considbration,of all the <br />evidence submitted the Board found the said officers Forrest D. Clax-krp <br />Oral Hamilton, A. E..Nelson, and 11m. H. Winans, gulity as charged and <br />there upon they are dismissed. from the-446lice Force of the City of <br />South Bend, Ind. <br />The following agreemekttwas approved and signed:- <br />WHEREAS, the City of South Bend, Indiana, is about tonconstruci, <br />.install and erect overhead traffic signals at street intersections in <br />said city: And, <br />WMEAS, said <br />(See attached j. <br />