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` Friday. April 24th. 1925, Office of the VoarA of Public Safety, <br />meeting called to <br />order at 5 Ti. 14. Ift, Olsment STj 8 gk@j iab6gnt. <br />minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. <br />FIRE DEPARTHENT :- i REWUISISTION PRESENTED & APPROVED.- <br />Numbers 1032.. to 1035 inclusive were approved. <br />ELECTRICA' DEPART ?TT: _ <br />m Smpt. Qualls, presented weekly report for the week ending April 23rd. <br />WEIGHTS & TAESURE DEPARTMENT: <br />Reed I. Hawthorne presented weekly report for the week ending April.24. <br />POLICE DEPARTMENT: - <br />No'bills or requisitions presented. <br />motio.a.prevailed to adjourn:- <br />ATTES PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD. <br />A D. <br />Friday May. lst. 1925. Office V the Board of Public Sa fety, <br />meeting called to order at b P.M. All members being present, Minutes <br />of previous meeting were reqd and approved. <br />FIRE DE PAR. TMEN T . <br />motion prevailed that we advertize for bids on three hundred and <br />fifteen (315Tons ) Tons of coal delivered in bind at the di6ferent <br />fire dtations bids to be opened May 29th.1925. A certified check for <br />Two hundred dollars (f2)0.00) is to be deposited with each bid. <br />ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT:- <br />REOUISITIONS PRESENTED & APPROVED. <br />Numbers 488 to 493 inclusive were approved. <br />Supt. Qualls, presented weekly report for the week ending Apr. 3)th. <br />Motion prevailed that the operators of the Police & Fire Alarm <br />systems are to receive two weeks (2) vacations with pay. <br />. Supt. Qualls, was instructed to arrange for the installation <br />of a Western TJnion time clock in the.Desk Sergeants room as soon as possible <br />WEIGHTS & MEASURE DEPARTMENT:- <br />Reed I. Hawthorne, presented weekly report fot the week ending <br />May. 1st. 1925. <br />POLICE DEPARTMENT:- <br />REQUISITIONS PRESNTED & APPRO 'ZED. <br />Numbers 2067 to 2085 inclusive were approved. <br />Motion prevailed that the resigination of 0. B. Howenstein, be <br />accepted same to take effect May lst. 1925. <br />Motion'prev_ailed that the application of Glenn Trickel for a <br />ii the police department be accepted and ordered placed on file. <br />position i <br />Moti evaile o ad jo�run: - <br />AT`TE Woo <br />PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD. <br />ERK OE T BOARD. <br />0 <br />