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Friday December 28, 1923. Office of-the Board of'Public' <br />meeting called to order at 5 P. M. All members being present. <br />Minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. <br />FIRE DEPARTMENT:- <br />Chief Sibrel, was out of the city went to <br />Cleveland, 0. to the.White Co. to drive the new Chassis for <br />His department. <br />Safe t <br />WEIGHTS & MEASURE DEPARTMENT <br />Reed I. Hswthorne, present weekly report for the week ending <br />December 28, 1923. <br />ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT:- <br />Supt. Beaning presented weekly report for the week ending <br />Dec. 26t)a. 1923. <br />Mr. Beaning informed the Board that he expected to tender <br />his resigination in the near ;future on account of.his physical <br />condition, he stated that he would remain on the job until a <br />new man was appointed and became acquainted with the work <br />Mr-. Beaning presented itimized account of an additional <br />appropriation needed for the installing that portion of the <br />new extensions and improvements to the fire alarm and police <br />signal system which work is to be done by the city. Estimate <br />cost ( $8,000.OQ ) which was approved. <br />POLICE DEPARTMENT - <br />Motion prevailed that the bond of officer Leo. E. Langthorn, <br />as principal and the National Surety Qo. as surety for Once Thousand <br />dollars ($1,000.00) was approved. <br />Mro Levi L4er Ulf,. appeared before the Board and he was <br />appointed as a of the Police Department and 'to begin duty <br />as soon as possible. <br />Motion prevailed to adjourn. <br />ATTEST., Li� PRESIDENT , OF THE BOARD. <br />LERK OF THE. BOARD, <br />Friday January 4th. 1924. Office of the Board of "Public Safety <br />meeting called to order at 5 P. M. All members being present. <br />minutee "of previous meeting were read and approved. <br />FIRE.DEPARTMENT, :- REQUISITIONS PRESENTED & APPROVED. <br />Numbers 637 to 657 InclVA'te were approved. <br />Chief Sibrel presented .his annual report for the year (1923) <br />Motion prevailed that,anc; ordinance be drawn and. presented to the <br />Common Council asking for an appropriation of Three thousand seven <br />hundred and twenty one dollars twenty five cents ($3,721.25) for <br />a 15 -45 White Chassis for the Fire Department. <br />ELECTRICAL.DEPARTMENT: <br />Supt. Beaning, presented weekly report for the week ending <br />Jan 2, 1924. also yearly report for 1923. <br />Motion prevailed that Mr. tam. F. Qualls, be appointed Supt. <br />of the Electrical Dep't. and Ivan C. Quick, as lineman. <br />Motion prevailed that the applicatiod of Clinton D. Rogers, <br />for the position as Supt, was ordered placed on file. <br />Motion prevailed that the applications of John N. Kelley, <br />Dewey Steinbach, James Sherman, E. W. Bordens, George Simpson, <br />Wm. M.'Hatfield, Da; us J. Finney, and Geo. A.bieyers, were ordered <br />placed on file. <br />I G -HTS & MEASURE DEPARTMENT <br />Reed. I. Hw*thorrne, presented weekly report for the week ending <br />January 4th, also monthly report for the mon't)�of December. 1923. <br />POLICE DEPARTMENT.— JEQUISITIGNS PRESENTED & APPROVED. <br />Requisitions numbered 1227 to 1240 inclusi *e were approved. <br />The following men appeared before the Board and were questioned <br />regarding the-.r application for positions and Motion prevailed that <br />they be appointed and they-were requested to take the Physical <br />examination. <br />