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1107, August,31 st. - 192&:Continue_d.. BILLS PRESENTED AND ALLOWED: ' <br />Balnce Forwarded: :49,160.95, <br />?;975- -1010 Consumers Service Co . ................... :..... 45.05 <br />976- -400 Yellow Cab C'o.;:.: :........ :.. :........... 4.00 <br />979- -845 H. OranfilT 6�0. : .............4............. :.. 2.22 <br />978 - -1007 Koontz Electric ; Co ........................ :..'.. 3.82 <br />979 - -1006 Standard Oil Co.,,... ....................... 45.05 <br />980 - -976 Consumers Service Co . ........................... -45.05 <br />981 --.918 E..W..Steinhart South Bend <br />00, a . .................. 15.30 <br />982- -931 Holycross &_Tye.. .......... <br />84.30 <br />983 -- 1033 The Office Engineers ............................ 5.25 <br />884 -•973 The Tropical Paint & Oil Co . ................... 169.53 <br />985- }971 Frank Andrews.,,,,*,,,,,,,,,,,, .............. 79.92 <br />986- -961 Hagedorn & Webster . ............................ 53.59 <br />987- -912 Hagddorn . &7ebster. , .........:... . ............ 42: 49 <br />988-- 1028The Studebaker Corp ............................. 1,425.50 <br />990 - -1059 Harold dtiitmer .. ............................ :.. 68.21 <br />991--994 Gafiil Oil Co . ..:.......................... ... 158.56 <br />992 - -956 W.R. Hinkle Inc . ........................::..... 84.29 <br />993 -.1020 Ross_ Davidson .............. ................... 45.00 <br />TOT.A.Z........ 11, 537.98 <br />Motionprevailed that,the position held by Charles Baugh, be <br />declared vacant on being'suspended Aug, 25th. by chief la3e. <br />Lotion prevailed that Ike Bonds of officers, Fred Ih tsell and <br />Orviol D. Bench, as principals and the National Surety Co. as <br />surety for One thousand Dollars, ($1,000400) each were'approved. <br />Motion Prevailed to- adjourn:- <br />ATT T PRESIDENTOF THE BOARi3F . <br />CLERK F�Tll <br />HE' ti 1il�, <br />4ARD. <br />■ <br />Friday September 7th. 1923. Office of Board of Public Safety, <br />meeting called to order at 5 P¢ M. All members being present. <br />Minutes of - previous meeting were read and approved. - <br />FIRE DEPARTMENT : -- REQUISITIONS ?RESENTED & APPROVED <br />-549- Pay Roll lst. Half 'Sept. 557--Supplies. <br />550- 'a Last F, ft .558- Hardware, Supplies: - <br />=551- Supplies... 559- Supplies & Repairs. <br />552 Supplies. 560 -Gas & Arc., <br />•553- Supplies & Repairs 661- Light & P8wer. ; <br />•554- Supplies 562- Shades <br />555- 563 -Supplies. <br />•556- Supplies & Repairs. 664-' " <br />565 Rear Actel for No. 8i <br />Moti=on prevailed that the application of Norman Podelwitz, <br />for a poai•tion in -the -Fi-re Department, be rejected on account of <br />Hoeing under age. ,Application of Clem J. Jablonski, be rejected <br />-on account of being under size. <br />ELECTRICAL.::';. , TMENT; <br />REQUISITIONS PRESENTED & APPROVED <br />124* Salaries. 124,E Repairs for reed: <br />Supt.- •Bean'i•ng •pre•sented weekly -report for the week ending <br />Sept. 5th. 142.3. <br />°WE I GHTS & MEASURE DEPARTIENT : - <br />Reed I. Hawthorne,, p,:reaented monthly report for the month of <br />•Aug, X92,3, and vaekkly repor•t for the week ending Sept; 7th. 1923. <br />POLICE DEPARTNT - <br />�dotion prevailed, that tea appiication of <br />Frank Sz4mski,...�or.a, m6 <br />Mbsnic in the police department <br />was Ordered placed on.,file. , <br />Motion prevailed that Arthur Lovegren, be rein <br />=stated as'a member of the Police Department, and to *a*k.,,.as- mechanic <br />in the Garage, <br />, <br />Motion prevailed to adjourn : - <br />Atte President of the Board. <br />CLERK B ARD OF PUBLIC SA Ty, R <br />