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ELECTRIC II1 2-J -ENT : - <br />R 1 rJiSITI0T3c PR-E1 � `TTED & AP. -�Rt T D. <br />114 -- 14iscel lane ous. <br />115- Salaries for the First Falf of 1u�. 1023. . <br />BILLS ERE „ EI: TED A?TL k1j LO'::7 . <br />930---113 Salaries for T,inen � . .................. ........ ... 162.50 <br />933­34. 'Henry, Thornton.... ............................. 8000 <br />934 - -96 Russivurm Bros. .. ..... ....................<.<..,..... 3.75 <br />93U - -1 5, Taylor's Tire Shope w..... ... .........., 2.6O <br />936- -112 `'sr. R. Hinkle Inc . , .... .. .. ..................... 9.03 <br />9379 -108 National bead Cc ..... .....................,......... 7.12 <br />TOTAL.... 193.00 <br />Su�nt. fieaning ;resented vvefikv� re-o-t for tI c ���eek en�?ti_ - <br />AuZ-. 8th. 1 1323. <br />'3L S ,E:.;ITr1D ALD AL7 J.'w;,D. <br />931 - -33. Reed I. Fa.wthor�le ................................ :. t 35.00 <br />938 - -34 Artific:�al Ice Co. ... .. 5.006 <br />Raed I. a �vvthcrne , presented ,,reekl y roport for the week end ing <br />.Aug. 1 Oth. 1923. <br />P OI: T '.i..; ilL' .� R'Lr';:,3i•; 1 . - $� 5 !' <br />R lJ r)UT aI.:- I,OI�V :J l.a /� -U� L7;. <br />10.110 to 1018 Ine3p).civebwere a�jr ro cd. <br />8i.lis Prevented and allowed. <br />928--1008 Sala.rle s for the :'bast half :o of July . ........... $7 , 251.83 <br />929- -1�?O9 9,alarie�,-- Clerk &: City Sealer ..................... 137.50 <br />929A.1009 Salaries Board and Surgeon........,.,, ...., .... 191.66 <br />TOT?.I,..... 7, 579. 99 <br />?,lotion ,2revail'ed that Officer Harold "?hitmer, i.s to attend <br />the Internaticna A, sociA.tio^ of Indent�_finctior, Convention held <br />at De Moineq, Town. Aug l5th. to 18th. , nd the expense of tri-, is <br />to be -ai a o -at of the Pcli ce Viscel. 'anleo­'- land. <br />1P.d to n,d <br />w <br />T <br />^T l- � <br />nLE <br />v ".It -. <br />i <br />Friday :August 27th. 1923. Office of Board. of Public Safety, <br />meeting called to order at 5 P. M. 1Ir. Clement S. Smogor being <br />Absent. Minutes of i revious meeting were read and approved. <br />FIRE DEr�1?l,i 11 BILLS rRESEz.� :D A.10 ..1_-O'NED. <br />499- -530 Salaries for the First half of August.. , ..... $8,553.79 <br />ELECTRICAL DEP 1RTIIENT: - <br />RE^UIaITIONS PREUE"NTED AND APPROVED <br />116 Supplies. 117. Tabor Splicing Cable. 113 Hardware Supplies. <br />BILLS PR.iaENT:�.L AND ALL01iVED. <br />939- -115,riez for T:inemen k'isrt half of August.... 162.50 <br />Supt. geaning presented weekly report for the week ending <br />Aug. 15th. <br />TTYI'z' S & i.::ISUR : LE1.�R 1� i11 :-- <br />,REOUIilI`1'ION r1ZL'ENTyD Se A� 'ROVED. <br />35 -- Repairs for City Scales. <br />Motion crevailed that the ;,farket hours be c'ra.nged as follows <br />that no one having produce for sale be allowed on the bridge be- <br />- -fore the hour of 6. ). 111. prior to market days and that the market <br />is to re.-:gain onc*n until. L. P. 111. on marYFt days. <br />Mr. Reed I . - , ,,thorne lresenter? ­,reeky -report for the week <br />- ending 17th. <br />P 0 I I C. D E2 .JR TlL."IbfF l.. <br />R: ^ulvITiONS 2RE3LNTL!) cc 1P2RQVE11. <br />10M9 to 1040 Inclusive were anrroved. j <br />„ 1 <br />BILLS -2R.L]"SENTuD .AIAD 1I;LOk1r:D. <br />940- -1018 Salaries for the First hnalf of Aug. 1923...... X7,459.X.3 <br />941 - -1017 Salaries Clerk'& City Sealer.:':':':':' ............. 137.50 <br />?;potion prevailed that the ::ipplication of Alfred Fritz,+ for <br />a position in the Police Denartment be placed on 'File. Ll <br />11otloa nreva.iled that the Bond or Serg't. 7godzinski, as pr_ Aci91 <br />'inn ?. v. Li bi:.g, and A. v• 1r0 "l�l, £iS surety fOr one thou- :ad <br />d n l l a r1, 000.0 Old ' b e a i`p r pu�J�/l1 <br />