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25 <br />Friday, December 23rd, 1921. Office Board o-f Public <br />Safety. -Ill members bein-P, present. Iljceti-af- celled to order at 15 <br />ran - proved. ,es of previous meeting was -presented- and. ran - proved. oved. <br />- linut U <br />Chief Sibrel filed charges -preferred by him against <br />Fireman Conrad 6chwenk, driver at 1118 hose house, cb-arged with being <br />intoxicated., absence from duty nrithont. -permission on December 21,1921. <br />Ilotion prevailed that a evening hearing be set on Friday C <br />.D - <br />.December 304U h, 1921 at 5 purpose for the purpose of hearing charges <br />nreferred > -ga_inst Fireman Conrad Schwenk. <br />Motion nrevailed thqt Henry Regard be appointed a <br />member of the Fire Department to begin diity on December 26th, 1921. <br />Supt. BealUng presented renort of work done by his <br />department durinF, week ending -December 2-1st, 1921. <br />M T <br />otion prevailed that application of Charles A. Thomas <br />for a positi6n as Policeman be -placed on file. <br />I'lotion prevailed that the bond of Steve 17. 'I'laeczny, as <br />principal and,- Cyrus j. Pattee and S. Ji". Kolesiak as sureties,, d5ited <br />I December 21st, 1921, for 41000 be approved ind. 'placed on file. <br />Motion nrevailed that '11. L. ­Baxter be reinstated as <br />a ..iaember of the "olice Department to be-Fin duty oii night of <br />December 24th, 1921. <br />Motion prevail-ed to ad jour <br />C <br />FRIDAY, December 29th, 1921. Office Boafd of Public <br />Safety. Meeting called to order at 5 P.M. All members being present. <br />Minutes of previous meeting were presented and approved. <br />Mr. W. 0. Davies, Dan Pyle and Clement S. Smogor all <br />attended the meeting at the invitation of the Board of Public Safety, <br />they representing the new members of the Board to take office on <br />January 2nd, 1922. <br />I'dotion prevailed that an acceptance be signed of the <br />`Type 10, motor driven pumper and hose wagon delivered by the Americ= <br />La Prance Fire _Engine Comp-any of Elmira, N.Y., in compliance with <br />the terms of contract entered. into by the Board ;,iith said company <br />on October Ist, 1921. <br />The Board went into session as a trial- body to hear <br />charges -preferred against illireman Conrad Schwenk by Fire Chief Sibrel. <br />After reqdinF of said chartzes, the JL"olloaiiing witnesses <br />were dull;, examined; -- Dr. H. I.I. Crowe, Emil T. Tjii ' ther. and Nich <br />Laskowski, as swell as the defendant 11*'iremtan Conra-I Schi=,,erjk. <br />. The Board went into executive session to consider <br />evidence submitted, and -after due consideration of same, Motion <br />-prevailed that Fireman Conrad Schwenk be found guilty of charges <br />preferred against him and be fined 15 days pay to be turned over to <br />the Fire--an's Pension Fund. <br />The Clerk of the Board sabmitted the financial report <br />for the year 1921 to the Board, which was approved and order placed <br />on file. I <br />Supt. BeaninF, presented his annual report to the Board <br />as i�vell as report coverxing work done by his department during week <br />ending December 28th, 1921, which were ordered placed on file. <br />City Scaler Byron B. ?Tiller presented report of work <br />done by him during year of 1921 and also during month -17 T c 1921. <br />Motion prevailed that applications filed % iiliam D. <br />Boyer and John Stasinski for policeman be plac . on f:vlcv <br />Irlo-tion prevailed to <br />Uest; 12 E S I D NT' F THE . B D <br />er of Board. <br />W-14. <br />