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FRIDAY, October 7th, 1921. Office Board of Public Safety. <br />Meeting called to order at 5 P.M. All members being present. <br />Minutes of previous meeting were presented and approved. <br />Chief Sibrel presented various bills which were allowed <br />Following requisitions were presented and approved;-- <br />1207-- supplies <br />1208 -- supplies and repairs <br />1209 -- repairs and supplies <br />1210 - supplies <br />1211-- supplies <br />1212 -- supplies <br />1213 -- pay roll for first half of October. <br />1214 -- pay roll for last half of October. <br />1215 -- light and power <br />1217 -- supplies <br />1218 -- supplies and repairs <br />1219 -- supplies and repairs <br />1220 -- supplies <br />1221 -- gas and are maintenance <br />1222 -- supplies <br />1223 -- hardware supplies <br />1224 -- supplies and repairs <br />1225 -- supplies and repairs <br />Chief Kline reported that Officer John Kolacz had sent his <br />daughter to his office with his badge, gun, etc., stating that he <br />was quitting his job on October lst, 1921. <br />Motion prevailed that whereas no formal resignation had been <br />filed by Officer John Kolacz and Chief Kline reported that he had sent <br />word that he had quit and did not report for duty on October lst, 1921, <br />that the position held by said Officer Kolacz as a policeman be declared <br />vacant. <br />Motion prevailed that J. Robert Burkholder be appointed as <br />a member of the Police Department. <br />Motion prevailed that the petition of Martin Drajus for <br />re- instatement as a member of the police department and applications of <br />Leonard Chause, Virgil C. Conrad and Vernon D. Overton for position of <br />policemen be accepted and placed on file. <br />Supt. Beaning presented report of work done by his department <br />during week ending October 5th, 1921. <br />Motion prevailed to adjourn. <br />too <br />P OF THE BOAR <br />ATTEST:- <br />CLE F IE B ARD. <br />FRIDAY, October 14th, 1921. Office Board of `?ublic Safety. <br />Meeting called to order at 5 P.TM. All members being present. <br />Minutes of previous meeting were presented and approved. <br />Fire Chief Sibrel was absent owing to attending the annual <br />Convention of Fire Chiefs at Atlanta, Ga. <br />Motion prevailed that the Park Policeman be ordered to go <br />off duty on the evening of October 15, 1921, their services to be <br />discontinued for this season. <br />;lotion prevailed-that the applications of Clarence L. <br />Stringham and Russell E. Barrett and Frank 2iechorowski be accepted and <br />placed on file. <br />Motion prevailed that Steve Aszklar be reinstated as a member <br />of Police Force and that Frank Pieehorowski be appoint as a member <br />of the department. <br />Motion prevailed to adjourn. <br />.ATTEST; <br />0 K <br />TrL BOARD. <br />PRESIDENT OF HE BOARD. <br />n <br />1 <br />1 <br />