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0-,,fr- -, <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />APPROVE PURCHASE AGREEMENTS FOR SALE OF CITY - OWNED <br />PROPERTY (1613 S. CARROLL) <br />DECEMBER 15, 1980 <br />Mr. McMahon noted that Mrs. Viola Laurence, 133 East Milton <br />Street, had previously expressed an interest in purchasing a city - <br />owned lot located at 1613 South Carroll Street. The Board had <br />approved the sale of the lot, alon with the Common Council, and <br />an offering price had been set of 247.00. Upon a motion made by <br />Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Kernan and carried, the Purchase <br />Agreements were approved and executed, and the Legal Department <br />was instructed to prepare the appropriate Quit -Claim Deed for <br />conveyance of the property to.Mrs. Laurence. <br />APPROVE CHANGE ORDER NOS. 6 AND 7 AND PROJECT COMPLETION AFFIDAVIT <br />PLAIA CONSTRUCTION (RENOVATION OF 2222 LINCOLNWAY WEST) <br />Mr. James Markle, Building Commissioner, submitted the following <br />change orders from Plaia Construction for renovation and rehabilita- <br />tion work at 2222 Li.ncolnway West: <br />Change Order No. 6 <br />Increase of $69.00 to remove and replace main water <br />line to allow for door and ceiling clearance. <br />Change Order No. 7 <br />Increase of $90.00 for cutting off metal doors and <br />re- installation: <br />Mr. McMahon noted that, with the above change orders, the revised <br />total contract amount was $41,923.00 as indicated on the Project <br />Completion Affidavit. Upon a motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded <br />by Mr. Hill and carried, the above change orders were approved. <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, <br />the Project Completion Affidavit was approved and the Waiver of <br />Lien was filed. <br />DENY OPEN AIR STAND LICENSE FOR RIVER BEND PLAZA - DENNIS SMITH <br />Mr. Dennis Smith, 906 East Fairview, South Bend, Indiana, submitted <br />an application for an open air stand license on River Bend Plaza <br />to sell a product for athletic and recreational use at the Photo <br />Hut on the Plaza. He stated that he had obtained permission from <br />the owner of the Photo Hut, Cavalier Camera, and he stated that <br />he wanted to test market his product in South Bend. Upon a motion <br />made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, the applica- <br />tion was denied consistent with the Board's policy of not approving <br />licenses for a product which would be in competition with the <br />existing downtown merchants. Mr. McMahon encouraged Mr. Smith <br />to contact the downtown merchants to see whether or not he could <br />sell his merchandise at one of the stores. He pointed out that, <br />because of anticipated demolition on that portion of River Bend <br />Plaza, there was uncertainty as to how long the stand would remain <br />and further, since the stand had been vacant since early summer, <br />the Board was desirous of having it removed. <br />REQUEST OF RIVER PARK NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION AND <br />NUNER PTA FOR PARADE <br />A request from Sharon Lee Hendrickson for permission to conduct a <br />march or parade on January 14, 1981, commencing at 6:00 p.m., at <br />the intersection of Mishawaka Avenue and 30th Street and ending <br />at John Adams High School, sponsored by the River Park Neighborhood <br />Association and the John Nuner PTA was received by the Board. Mr. <br />McMahon noted that there would be approximately 100 participants <br />and no vehicles. He expressed concern over having to close Mishawaka <br />Avenue for the march and the disruption of traffic which would be <br />caused. Upon a motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Hill and <br />carried, the request was referred to the Bureau of Traffic and <br />Lighting and the Traffic Division of the Police Department for <br />review and recommendation. <br />