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REGULAR MEETING OCTOBER 20, 1980 <br />involved, the city would proceed to advertise for bids and, prior to <br />awarding any bid, would discuss with Mr. Miller the entire project. Mr. <br />Miller would, at that time, have to give the city an indication as to <br />whether or not to go ahead on the project. A representative of Midwest <br />Turnkey Builders felt there were economics involved in determining <br />whether or not the project would be feasible. He stated that the street <br />itself may not be up to.full city standards, and the project involved <br />adding to the sides of the street and also adding and improving the <br />pavement, something which had not been included in the original concept. <br />He briefly explained the history of the property in question. He stated <br />that each lot would have to sell for $8,000 in order to equal the <br />developer's investment if these improvements were made as planned. He <br />felt it may be possible the project could not proceed. He asked that the <br />standards be brought back to the original concept in order to keep the <br />costs of the improvement down. Mr. McMahon stated that he would be very <br />surprised if the Engineering Department proposal for the construction <br />work called for higher standards than usual. He stated that the work <br />to be done should contain what is required by city standards and no <br />"frills" are included. He assured the property owners that the project <br />would be reviewed fully with he and the petitioner prior to proceeding <br />with actual construction. He stated that the city required what he <br />termed _ "bare bone" standards and pursued these standards in the develop- <br />ment of the subdivisions. Mr. Miller stated that he has discussed with <br />the Water Works Department the matter of the installation_ of taps prior <br />to street construction. He asked how the financial arrangements of this <br />would be taken care of, and Mr. McMahon advised that, when the bids were <br />received, the Engineering Department would discuss all of Mr. Miller's <br />questions at that time. Upon a motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by <br />Mr. Hill and carried, the public hearing was closed and the Engineering <br />Department was instructed to prepare the necessary plans and specifica- <br />tions in order to advertise for bids on the project. <br />APPROVE INTENDED USE OF REVENUE SHARING FUNDS <br />This was the date set for holding a public hearing on the proposed use <br />of revenue sharing funds in the amount of $30,000.00 during the calendar <br />year 1980. The Clerk tendered proofs of.publication of notice in the <br />South Bend Tribune and the Tri- County News which were found to be <br />sufficient. Mr. McMahon noted that this was the public hearing on the <br />proposed use of revenue sharing funds as follows: <br />$30,000.00 Police overtime costs <br />In accordance with guidelines adopted for such use of revenue sharing <br />funds, information about this public hearing was forwarded to the <br />following senior citizen groups with the request that the notice be <br />posted: Foster Grandparents, Hansel Neighborhood Center, REAL Services, <br />Retired Senior Volunteer Program and Senior Citizens Group of LaSalle <br />Park. There was no one present to speak against the proposed expendi- <br />ture. Upon a motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Hill and <br />carried, the public hearing was closed and the Clerk was instructed to <br />forward the minutes of this public hearing to the Controller's Office <br />and the City Clerk. <br />AWARD BID AND APPROVE CONTRACT - BIRDSELL STREET CURB AND SIDEWALKS <br />(RIETH -RILEY CONSTRUCTION) <br />Mr. McMahon stated that bids on the project had been received by the Board <br />at its meeting held on October 13, 1980, and the Bureau of Public <br />Construction was recommending the bid be awarded to Rieth -Riley <br />Construction based on its low bid of $29,488.63. Upon a motion made by <br />Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, the low bid of Rieth -Riley <br />Construction in the amount of $29,488.63 and the contract for construction <br />of the project were approved. It was noted that the required bonds and <br />insurance certificate were in order and had been filed with the Clerk. <br />