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REGULAR MEETING <br />itures. Upon a motion made by Mr. McMahon, <br />carried, the public hearing was closed and t <br />to forward the minutes of this public hearin <br />Office and the City Clerk. <br />AUGUST 25, 1980 <br />econded by Mr. Hill and <br />e Clerk was instructed <br />to the Controller's <br />APPROVAL OF REQUEST FOR TRANSFER OF TITLE (RIGHT -OF -WAY <br />ENCROACHMENT - U.S. 20 AND U.S. 33. FIRST BANK CENTER PROJECT <br />Mr. McMahon advised that the city had recent] <br />Highway approval requests for easements on U. <br />conjunction with the First Bank Center Projec <br />struction on the southwest.corner of the intE <br />roadways. The State Highway Commission had iE <br />problems were determined to exist with the rE <br />the Commission suggested that the City of Sot <br />transfer of title of the subject real estate. <br />Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Kernan and carri <br />to request a transfer of title of the state z <br />same to the State Highway Commission for accE <br />APPROVAL OF CONTRACT (COMET CAR WASH <br />y submitted for State <br />S. 20 and U.S. 33 in <br />t currently under con - <br />rsection of these two <br />dvised that certain <br />quest as submitted and <br />th Bend request a <br />Upon a motion made by <br />ed, approval was given <br />ight -of -way and submit <br />ptance. <br />Mr. McMahon noted that approval was required on the yearly contract for <br />car washes. He explained that Comet Car Was had been awarded the bid <br />for car washes on July 7, 1980, and the contract called for the payment <br />to Comet as follows: <br />$2.25 <br />per <br />month - <br />0 to 100 units (full service) <br />2.15 <br />per <br />month - <br />100 or more units (full service) <br />1,75 <br />per <br />month - <br />1 to 100 units (wet wash only) <br />1.65 <br />per <br />month - <br />100 or more units (wet wash only) <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Kernan and carried, <br />the contract was approved. <br />APPROVAL OF CERTIFICATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION <br />(THATCHER ENGINEERING - FIRST BANK CENTER) <br />Mr. McMahon noted that Thatcher Engineering was submitting for approval <br />a Certificate of Substantial Completion and a Waiver of Lien for the <br />sheet piling and bearing piling portion of the First Bank Center <br />Project. It was noted that the contract amount was $190,646.62. <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, <br />the documents were filed and the Controller's Office was authorized <br />to release any and all retainage and escrow funds for the above project. <br />APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 (RIETH -RILEY CONSTRUCTION <br />SAMPLE STREET IMPROVEMENTS) <br />Mr. McMahon stated that Rieth -Riley Constru <br />Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $9,390. <br />of a two -phase actuated traffic controller <br />pole and relocation of controller. He expl <br />the controller was to be installed on a fix <br />the bid of Rieth -Riley had been lower than <br />funds were available to provide the actuate <br />motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr, <br />change order was approved. <br />APPROVAL OF CONTRACT (RIETH -RILEY CONSTRUCT <br />STORM DAMAGE, CURB AND WALK REPAIR) <br />Mr. McMahon stated that the contract with Ri <br />Company for the 1980 Storm Damage, Curb and '� <br />being submitted for Board approval. He note <br />project had been received on August 4, 1980, <br />Rieth -Riley had been awarded on August 11, 1 <br />tion was submitting <br />0 for the installation <br />nd the temporary signal <br />ined that, originally, <br />d -time basis; however, <br />nticipated and sufficient <br />traffic signal. Upon a <br />Kernan and carried, the <br />th -Riley Construction <br />lk Repair Project, was <br />that bids for the <br />and the low bid of <br />80, in the amount of <br />1 <br />it <br />