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REGULAR MEETING <br />open for use by the insurance company. He p <br />Board showing the hospital's plans for the p <br />He stated that a fence would be erected alon <br />stated that the Board would prefer to vacate <br />the alley, and he asked whether or not there <br />to the hospital and insurance company if the <br />easement to the insurance company across the <br />to the insurance office. Mr. Nafe felt ther <br />on the part of the insurance company to the <br />Mr. William Kanig, Real Estate Officer of We <br />Mr. Kanig felt there would be no problem as <br />would have ingress and egress through that p <br />behind its property. Mr. Steinhofer advised <br />be willing to grant such an easement for the <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded <br />the Board confirmed the Vacation Resolution <br />of the Assessment Roll to be filed on Septem <br />the execution of an easement for that portio <br />the insurance company and the property owned <br />west of that owned by Western Southern Insur <br />access be given to St. Peter Street. <br />VACATION RESOLUTION NO. 3496. 1980 - CONF <br />This was the date set for holding a public h <br />tion No. 3496, 1980, for the vacation of the <br />Northside Boulevard running west from Clover <br />north -south alley between Lots 108 and 109 i <br />South Bend, Indiana. The Clerk tendered pro <br />notice in the South Bend Tribune and the Tri <br />found to be sufficient. It was noted that a <br />to all property owners in the vicinity of th <br />and letters had been received from the vario <br />that there was no objection to the proposed <br />one present to remonstrate against the vacat <br />by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Kernan and c <br />firmed the, Vacation Resolution and ordered p <br />ment Roll to be filed on September 8, 1980. <br />PUBLIC HEARING - PETITION OF BREMEN IRON AND <br />SCRAP DEALER'S LICENSE <br />This was the date set for holding a public he <br />Bremen Iron and Metal for a scrap dealer's li <br />ing on Sample Street immediately east of Webs <br />along and to the rear of the Penn Central Rai <br />Bancroft, Attorney at Law, practicing at 645 <br />stated that he was representing Bremen Iron a <br />absence, and he introduced Mr. Steve Garver, <br />Mr. Daniel Rifkin from Bremen Iron and Metal. <br />client was intending to invest a great deal o <br />of his business and would be hiring additiona <br />operation. He stated that, before this was d <br />Metal desired approval of the Board of Public <br />Council for a scrap dealer's license at the p <br />further advised the Board that there were fou <br />involved at the site, and he stressed that, w <br />applying for a scrap dealer's license, the pr <br />a junk yard but a modern industrial waste dis <br />indicated that there was a similar operation <br />the facility would be a pollution -free operat <br />the area was properly zoned for that purpose <br />access to the city. Mr. Bancroft stated that <br />time.was unsightley; however, Bremen Iron and <br />responsibility for its condition at this time <br />that his client would be maintaining the prop <br />AUGUST 25, 1980 <br />esen ted a drawing to the <br />operay in that vicinity. <br />the alley. Mr. McMahon <br />the entire portion of <br />would be any objection <br />hospital granted an <br />existing alley adjacent <br />would be no objection <br />asement. He introduced <br />tern Southern Insurance. <br />ong as the insurance company <br />rtion of the alley <br />that the hospital would <br />use of the alley. <br />y Mr. Hill and carried, <br />nd ordered preparation <br />er 8, 1980, subject to <br />of the alley behind <br />by Brothers (property <br />nce) in order that <br />EUCLID ADDITION; <br />aring on Vacation Resolu- <br />first alley north of <br />to the intersecting <br />Euclid Park Subdivision, <br />fs of publication of <br />County News which were <br />notice had been sent <br />proposed vacation <br />s city agencies indicating <br />acation. There was no <br />on. Upon a motion made <br />rried, the Board con - <br />eparation of the Assess - <br />TAL FOR <br />aring on the petition of <br />cense for property front - <br />ter Street and extending <br />lroad tracks. Mr. Bruce <br />First Bank Building, <br />nd Metal in Mr. Dunfee's <br />Hr. John Maranowski and <br />He stated that his <br />f money into the location <br />1 employees to man the <br />c)ne, Bremen Iron and <br />Works and the Common <br />roposed site. He <br />r parcels of property <br />hiie his client was <br />Dperty would not be <br />posal facility. He <br />in Fort Wayne, and <br />Lon. Further, that <br />and there was good <br />the property at this <br />Metal assumed no <br />He assured the Board <br />erty and it would be <br />� I <br />1 <br />