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REGULAR MEETING <br />JULY 28. 1980 <br />should not be vacated since it might provide access to the abutting <br />property owners. Mrs. Wroblewski again stated that she objected <br />to the vacation because it would only bring the wrecking company <br />closer to her property. She stated that the area contained rats <br />and many weeds and junk. She also expressed concern over the <br />danger of a fire in her home and the fact that there was no <br />hydrant on Phillipa and that the fire trucks would need to use <br />the alley to get water to her house. She also informed the <br />Board that her insurance had been increased twice because of the <br />distance from her home to a fire hydrant. Mrs. Louise VanDerHeggen, <br />1905 South Phillipa, stated that the tenants on the property have, <br />in the past, used part of her property to conduct their operations, <br />and that there is a great deal of truck traffic hear her home. <br />She also wad concerned about the rats and junk cars on the property. <br />Mr. McMahon stated that, if the vacation was approved, there would <br />be no vehicular traffic allowed. Mr. Frisk stated that the alley <br />has been impassable and there have never been any trucks using <br />the alley. He stated that there were trees and vegetation in <br />that area, and it is difficult to maintain. Mrs. Wroblewski <br />informed the Board that teenage children congregate in the area <br />and use Mr. Weaver's property in the back near the alley for <br />smoking and drinking. Mr. William Weaver, owner of the majority <br />of lots in the area and the petitioner in the proposed vacation, <br />stated that he has plans to clean up the lots and cut certain <br />trees and level the properties to make them more appealing. <br />Mr. McMahon stated that the Board understood that there was <br />currently very limited use of the alley for vehicles. Apparently, <br />the lots bordering the alley owned by Mr. Weaver were in need of <br />some clean -up according to Mrs. Wroblewski and Mrs. VanDerHeggen, <br />since they complained about trees, brush, weeds and rats. In <br />effect, he felt the property owners were telling the Board that <br />the alley, while not passable, acted as a buffer for their <br />properties and that this was their reason for objecting to the <br />proposed vacation. He felt their request should be honored. <br />He felt it was one thing for Mr. Weaver to say that his properties <br />would be cleaned up and maintained at this time, but if the vacation <br />was approved, the Board would have no control or guarantee that <br />this would be done. He asked Mr. Weaver to work together with <br />the neighborhood and clean up his properties to make the entire <br />area more attractive. In view of the fact that two out of three <br />property owners in that block objected to the vacation, he felt <br />the Board could not approve it. He also stated that he felt Mrs. <br />Wroblewski and Mrs. VanDerHeggen would not oppose the alley vacation <br />if the area surrounding the alley was cleaned up. Mrs. Wroblewski <br />stated that she would use the alley if it was possible, and that <br />she has had to have her garbage picked up on the street because <br />the alley is impassable. Mr. McMahon asked that the property owners <br />try and work together in an effort to resolve these problems, and <br />he felt that if this was done, the Board could again consider the <br />vacation of the alleys in question. Mr. Frisk asked if the Board <br />would consider the vacation of the east -west alley at this time, <br />and Mr. McMahon stated that the Board would not. Upon a motion <br />made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Kernan and carried, the alley <br />vacations were denied. <br />VACATION RESOLUTION NO 3492. 1980 CONFIRMED (HIGH INDUSTRIAL PARK <br />This was the date set for holding a public hearing on Vacation <br />Resolution No. 3492, 1980, for the vacation of the 20' and 14' <br />alley that runs northwesterly off of High Street, 33' south of <br />Sample Street for a distance of 250' more or less, in the N.E. <br />(4) of Section 13, Township 37 North, Range 2 East in the City of <br />South Bend, Indiana. The Clerk tendered proofs of publication of <br />notice in the South Bend Tribune and the Tri- County News which <br />were found to be sufficient. It was noted that letters had been <br />received from the various city agencies indicating that there was <br />no objection to the proposed vacation. There was no one present <br />to remonstrate against the proposed vacation. Upon a motion made <br />by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, the Board confirmed <br />