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REGULAR MEETING <br />JULY 14, 1980 <br />Lots 49,.50, 51 and 52, Highland Park First Addition; <br />Lots 148, 149, 150 and 151, Whiteman's First Addition. <br />The Assessment Roll lists $0.00 net damages and $0.00 net benefits <br />to the abutting properties. Upon a motion made by Mr. McMahon, <br />seconded by Mr. Kernan and carried, the Assessment Roll was filed <br />and set for public hearing on August 11, 1980. <br />REQUEST FOR BLOCK PARTY 1400 BLOCK EAST LaSALLE <br />A request for permission to hold a block party in the 1400 block <br />of East LaSalle on Sunday, July 27, 1980, from 7:30 a.m, to <br />11 :30 p.m., was received from Mr. Richard H. Metzcus. Upon a <br />motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Kernan and carried, <br />the request was referred to the Bureau of Traffic and Lighting <br />and the Traffic Division of the Police Department for review and <br />recommendation. <br />APPROVAL OF RIVER BEND PLAZA ACTIVITIES <br />A request from the First United Methodist Day Care Center to conduct <br />balloon sales on River Bend Plaza for sidewalk be held on <br />July 24, 25 and 26, 1980, was recommended favorably by Mikki Dobski, <br />River Bend Plaza Coordinator. Upon a motion Mr. McMahon, <br />- seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, the request was approved,. subject <br />to the payment of a vendor's license and insurance requirements <br />stipulated by the Controller's Office. <br />A request from the Dainty Maid Bake Shop for permission to utilize <br />an old fashioned peddler's cart with canopy on River Bend Plaza in <br />conjunction with various promotions on the mall such as St. <br />Patrick's Day, the Ethnic Festival, etc., was recommended favorably <br />by.Mikki Dobski. Upon a motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by <br />Mr. Kernan and carried, the request was approved, subject to the <br />payment of a vendor's license and insurance requirements stipulated <br />by the Controller's Office. <br />APPROVAL OF NO PARKING SIGNS - 2000 LATHROP STREET <br />A request from Mr. Robert C. Hamilton for the installation of <br />"no parking" signs along the 2000 block of Lathrop Street was <br />recommended favorably by Mr. Ralph J. Wadzinski, Manager of the <br />_Bureau of Traffic and Lighting. Mr. Wadzinski advised that the <br />request had been reviewed by his bureau and it was found that <br />sufficient off - street parking at the rear of the multi - family <br />establishments existed. It was further determined that the edge <br />of the roadway and sidewalk of Mr. Hamilton's property had been <br />damaged by vehicles attempting to use the area as parking. Upon <br />a motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, <br />the recommendation to install "no parking" signs in front of <br />2008 - 2010 -2012 Lathrop Street was approved. <br />APPROVE MAIN STREET CLOSING (MEMORIAL HOSPITAL ENTRANCE TO NAVARRE) <br />Mr. Ralph J. Wadzinski, Manager of the Bureau of Traffic and Light- <br />ing, recommended approval of the closing of Main Street from the <br />new entrance to Memorial Hospital south to Navarre Street, for <br />purposes of construction of the new surgical wing. Mr. Wadzinski <br />advised that the closure would leave one lane of traffic open for <br />southbound only. Mr. McMahon stated that it was anticipated the <br />street would be closed until December, 1980. Upon a motion made <br />-by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Kernan and carried; the recommenda- <br />tion was approved retroactive to July 9, 1980, with the city <br />reserving the right to open additional lanes if it was determined <br />the single lane was unworkable. <br />