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w <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />JULY 14, 1980 <br />99 -year lease agreement, with the last payments to be approximately <br />$80,000 each. Mr. Brunner stated that the property would be put <br />back on the tax rolls, and he briefly talked about the use of <br />incremental tax financing.. He felt that the city would experience <br />a combined benefit with the execution of the agreements in that <br />$150,000 would be derived for property taxes; approximately <br />$100,000 would be saved by the city for maintenance costs for the <br />atrium, and a $26,000 payment would be immediately received from <br />Rahn and FBT. <br />Mr. Brunner explained that Quitclaim Deeds and Bills of Sale were <br />being submitted for execution to Rahn and FBT for conveyance of <br />the improvements constructed and for those improvements yet to be <br />constructed on the project. <br />Regarding the Easements, Mr, Brunner explained that there were certain <br />encroachments on city property for the bank portion of the project, <br />and the Easement would give FBT the right to build and encroach on <br />city property. With regard to the Easement Agreement and Grant of <br />Rights in Easement for Rahn, there were certain encroachments on <br />state right -of -way, and it was anticipated that the State Highway <br />Commission would approve the encroachments and convey the right <br />of interest to the Redevelopment Commission, which, in turn, would <br />convey to the city, which, in turn would convey to Rahn. <br />Mr. McMahon asked if there was a provision contained in the Quitclaim <br />Deed that allowed the city to continue construction of the improve- <br />ments and monitor same, and Mr. Brunner stated that this was provided <br />for in the Conveyance Agreements. Mr. McMahon noted that the Ease- <br />ment Agreements would satisfy bond counsel and the effective date <br />of the agreement with the State Highway Commission for the encroach- <br />ments of Rahn would be the date of state approval. <br />Upon a motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Kernan and carried, <br />the Joint Development Agreement, the Agreements for Conveyance of <br />Public Improvements for Rahn and FBT Bancorp, the Quitclaim Deeds <br />and Bills of Sale for Rahn and FBT Bancorp, and the Easement Agreement <br />for FBT Bancorp were approved. Upon a motion made by Mr. McMahon, <br />seconded by Mr. Hill and carried, the Easement Agreement and Grant <br />of Rights in Easement Areas for Rahn to cover encroachments on State <br />Highway property was approved, with the effective date of the agree- <br />ment to be the date upon which State Highway Commission approval was <br />given. <br />AWARD BID - NORTHWEST CURB AND SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS (CD -79 -304 <br />A recommendation from Neil A. Shanahan, Manager of the Bureau of <br />Public Construction, was received concerning the award of the Curb <br />and Sidewalk Improvement Project for Blaine, Allen and Sherman <br />Streets between California and Lindsey Streets to Arco Engineering <br />Construction in the amount of $78,200.00. Mr. McMahon noted that <br />the project involved Community Development Funds and the recommenda- <br />tion to award the bid to Arco Engineering had been concurred with <br />by that department. Upon a motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded <br />by Mr. Hill and carried:, the bid for the Northwest Curb and Sidewalk <br />Improvement Project was awarded to the Arco Engineering Construction <br />Corporation in the amount of $78,200.00, subject to the filing of <br />the required Performance Bond, Labor and Materials Payment Bond <br />and Certificate of Insurance. <br />APPROVAL OF FINAL CHANGE ORDER AND COMPLETION AFFIDAVIT - <br />CLEVELAND ROAD SEWER PROJECT (H. DeWULF MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR, INC-. <br />Mr. McMahon stated that the final change order represented some-minor <br />adjustments in the project and two major adjustments, one increase <br />in the amount of $23,200.00 for seeding and mulching to cover the <br />disturbed area including grass areas subject to heavy construction <br />traffic and the stockpiling of soil around the trench. Mr. McMahon <br />