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square inch for every. one square foot of enclosed area. The bottom of all such <br />openings shall be no higher than one (1) foot above the exterior grade or the interior <br />T _ <br />grade_ immediately beneath each opening, whicheve r is higher and shall be located <br />entirely below the BFE; and, <br />21 -12 (b) (69) Regulatory flood means the flood having a one percent (1 %) chance of <br />being equaled or, exceeded in any given year, as calculated by a method and <br />procedure that is acceptable to and approved by the Indiana Department of Natural <br />Resources and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The regulatory flood <br />elevation at any location is as defined in 21 -12 (c) 2 (Q of this ordinance. The <br />"Regulatory Flood" is also known by the term 'Base Flood ", "One- Percent Annual <br />Chance FIood", and "100 -Year Flood ". <br />21 -12 (c) (9) Penalties for Violation. <br />Failure to obtain a Floodplain Development Permit in the SFHA or failure to <br />comply with the requirements of a Floodplain Development Permit or conditions <br />of a variance shall be deemed to be a violation of this ordinance. All violations <br />shall be considered a common nuisance and be treated as such in accordance with <br />the provisions of the Zoning Code for South Bend, Indiana. All violations shall <br />be punishable by a fine not °°_°°ding: See Section 21 -10(h) Enforcement -Fines <br />for a schedule of fines. <br />21 -12 (d) (2) (A) vii. Description of the extent to which any watercourse will be altered <br />or r-eia4e relocated as a result .of proposed development, and; <br />21 -12 (d) (3) (C) Ensure that construction authorization has been granted by the Indiana <br />Department of Natural Resources for all development projects subject to Seetien <br />Section 21- 12(e)(5) and Section 21 -12Le Q A) of this <br />ordinance, and maintain a record of such authorization (either copy of actual <br />permit or floodplain analysis /regulatory assessment.) <br />21 -12 (d) (3) (I) Verify and record the actual elevation of the lowest floor (including <br />basement) of all new or substantially improved structures, in accordance with <br />Section 21 -12 (d) (2); <br />21 -12 (d) (3) (J) Verify and record the actual elevation to which any new or substantially <br />improved structures have been floodproofed, in accordance with Section 21 -12 <br />(d) (2); <br />21 -12 (e) (1) (E) Electrical, heating, ventilation, plumbing, air conditioning equipment, <br />utility meters, and other service facilities shall be located at /above the FPG or <br />designed so as to prevent water from entering or accumulating within the <br />components below the FPG. Water and sewer pipes, electrical and telephone <br />lines, submersible pumps, and other waterproofed service facilities may be <br />located below the FPG; <br />Page 2 of 6 <br />