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,- <br />~ -~ ~. <br />IlvTE~t-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ~ <br />:BOARD OF PUBLIC. WOIZK.S JAN 2 ~ ;S~7 <br />oFr~ica of rnu Fine Gtt~ <br />CIT7 0l~ aouTH Olt~p~ ~ <br />TOe - Larry Spradlin, :Engineering Department <br />- J'tm Voll, Area Plan Commission <br />-Larry Maglioza, Department of Economic Development <br />% Chief Luther Taylor, Fire Department <br />• Alonzo Adams, Solid Waste <br />- Captain Larry Blume, Police ~affic Department <br />- Anne Bnmeel, City Atton~ey's Office <br />FROM: Angela K Jacob, ClerkQ'~~ <br />RE: Alley. Vacation <br />DATE: Jaanary 29, 1997 <br />Attached for your review and recommendation is the following alley vacation: <br />All street and alleys south of vacated Reascy Street between east of Fellows Street, north <br />of Wenger Street sad west of Marietta Street. . <br />I would appreciate .receiving your comments and recommendation concerning this alley <br />vacation no later than T'ebraarv 6.1997. Thank you. <br />COMMENTS ~ RECOMMENDATIONS: <br />w o o ~brfc. ~io~s <br />IIY: /Mr/G ~i~.~" ~ ~ (f'' DATE: / ~.3 ~ ~' 9 <br />sQ~ <br />T'd 50E6b8z 6TZ '1d3Q 3ZII.~ QtJ3H'OS WdTb:TT L6. IE'Ntif <br />