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4~ ~. <br />~~1, t <br />Western Avenue Properties, LLC <br />422 );asf Monroe Street South Bend, Indiana 4G601 Telephone 219-234-0125 Fax 219-234-1023 <br />December 10, 1996 <br />The Common Council of <br />The City of South Bend, Indiana <br />County-City Building <br />South Bend, Indiana 46601 <br />Dear Common Council Members: <br />Western Avenue Properties, LLC, requests the vacation of the following alley: <br />The 1st north-south alley south of Western Avenue and east ofMain Street, running north to south from <br />Western Avenue, for a distance of approximately 200' feet to the intersection of the 1st east-west alley <br />running east from Main Street all in the Martin 's Addition of the Ciry of South Bend, Indiana. <br />This alley is directly west and to the rear of the new US Bankruptcy Court Building. <br />The United States Mazshal Service and Federal Protective Service have requested we seek this vacation in <br />order to provide and additional security buffer behind this building. At the rear of this building off this <br />alley aze the garage doors for the use of the Federal Judges. The Federal Protective Service and the <br />Marshals would like to restrict the access to this azea to authorized persons only. <br />With the recently mandated changes in security for all federal facilities in the wake of the Oklahoma City <br />tragedy there is also a need for an additional "clear zone" around this building, and the vacation of this <br />alley is vital to meet that objective. <br />This alley vacation was voted on and unanimously approved by the council on October 28, Ordinance No <br />8725-96). However the list of property owners was incorrect. The owner of tax key # 18-3016-0598 was <br />misrepresented and this refilling is the correction of that error. <br />It is our hope that Common Council and the Board of Public Works understands the importance of this <br />security "clear zone" for the personal safety of the Judges, employees and general public who will use this <br />facility, and see their way clear to grant this alley vacation for a second time. <br />Enclosed are the new petition forms, legal discretion, circle map, corrected list of property owners with in <br />300' feet and certified postage paid envelops for your use. If you should have any questions or should <br />require any additional information please feel free to contact me. <br />Respectfully Submitted, <br />w • ~4 .~~rC~Q/ <br />,r* CJJ <br />William A. Panzica <br />Managing Member <br />enclosures <br />Filed in Cier~~`~ ~~~fee <br />DEC ~ ' 195 <br />CITY CL~:T~: , .~~,., ~.t~~:~ 'rt.. <br />