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shall be given to minority business enterprises located in St. Joseph County. For the purpose of <br />this subsection, an "unreasonable price" is a price above competitive levels which cannot be <br />attributed to the minority business enterprise's attempt to cover costs inflated by the present <br />effect of disadvantage or discrimination. <br />(2) For the purpose of this subsection, determination of the "lowest and best bid" shall include an <br />evaluation of such factors as the nature of the supplies or services sought, prices of similar <br />products in the relevant market area, minority employment levels achieved by the prospective <br />contracting entities, location of business offices, general conditions in the market area, minority <br />participation in the marketplace and such other factors as may be deemed relevant. <br />Sec.14.5 -9 Time Requirements and Procedure for Noncompliance <br />(1) Whenever the Diversity Compliance Officer determines a contractor to be in violation of a <br />Provision of this chapter, he shall issue a written finding setting forth such determination and the <br />basis of his decision, together with notice to the contractor of the right to object to the finding. <br />Such written finding shall be served upon the contractor by certified mail at such contractor's last <br />known address. Any contractor taking exception to a finding of the Diversity Compliance Officer <br />first shall attempt to reconcile the situation with the Diversity Compliance bffieer. A good faith <br />attempt to achieve informal reconciliation is a prerequisite to the contractor filing a written <br />objection with the City Manager. <br />(2) If, after attempting to reconcile the violation by informal means, the situation is not <br />alleviated, a contractor may file a written objection with the City Manager within fifteen days of <br />the receipt by the contractor of the Diversity Compliance Officer's written finding. Thereupon, <br />the Diversity Compliance Officer shall, within seven days, forward to the City Manager all <br />materials relating to the determination which is appealed, together with recommendations of <br />appropriate remedial action to be taken. The contractor may file a request for a hearing before <br />the City Manager when filing the written objection. <br />(3) if the Diversity Compliance Officer finds a contractor to be in violation of this chapter and no <br />reconciliation is attempted by the contractor within fifteen days of the receipt by the contractor <br />of the written finding, the Diversity Compliance Officer shall forthwith forward his finding to <br />the City Manager along with any recommendation of appropriate remedial action to be taken. <br />(4) Under the direction of and upon authorization from the City Manager, the Diversity <br />Compliance Officer shall determine when a violation of this section exists and when the attempts <br />at reconciliation taken by the contractor will not reasonably alleviate the situation. <br />(5) if the contractor objects to the decision of the City Manager or Consulting Firm, the <br />contractor must next pursue the appeal. process set forth in 49 CFR 23.55. <br />Any person or organization with information indicating unjust participation by an enterprise or <br />individuals under this program, or who believes that the DBE and WAME participation is being <br />improperly applied, should file a written complaint with the City Manager which shall contain a <br />detailed statement in writing of the basis of the complaint.(Ord. No. 7811 -87, § 1) <br />