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Derek D. Dieter <br />President <br />City of South Bend <br />Common Council <br />441 County -City Building . 227 W. Jefferson Blvd <br />South Bend, Indiana 46601 -1830 <br />(574) 235 -9321 <br />1~ax (574) 235 -9173 <br />TDD (574) 235 -5567 <br /> <br />Oliver J. Davis <br />South Bend Common Council December 8, 210 <br />441 County -City Building <br />Vice-President <br />227 W. Jefferson Blvd. <br />Ann Puzzelio <br />South Bend, IN 46601 -1830 <br />Chairperson, Connnittee RE: Proposed Revision to Ordinance 7811 -87 <br />of the Whole <br />Dear Council Members: <br />Derek D. Dieter <br />First District <br />As you will recall, on November 8, 2010 as result of an inquiry during the <br />"Privilege of the Floor" President Dieter ask At -Large Council Member Timothy <br />Henry Davis, Jr. <br />Rouse to investigate the matter. An investigation took place with assistance of <br />Second Distract <br />Attorney Kathleen Cekanski- Farrand and revealed that there is an existing codified <br />Thomas LaFountain <br />ordinance addressing the heart of the inquiry. In our opinion there is no evidence <br />Third District <br />of documented discrimination toward minorities as the complaint's brief states. <br />The brief was filed in the South Bend City Clerk's on July 6, 2010. <br />Ann Puzzello <br />However, research indicated that on October 7, 1987, 2nd District Council <br />Fourth District <br />Member Eugenia Braboy sponsored Bill 103 -87 after several months of research <br />and discussion with a wide range of individuals from the community as well as <br />David Varner <br />representative(s) from the Council and the City Administration. A copy of Mrs. <br />Fifth District <br />Braboy's cover letter is attached; bill 103 -87 was the resulted in the addition of <br />Oliver J. Davis <br />Chapter 14.5 to the South Bend Municipal Code and Ordinance 7811 -87. <br />Sixth District <br />Ordinance 7811 -87 has been in our codebook since 1987 and is still listed. <br />Ordinance 7811 -87 was to provide a remedy for under - representation of minorities <br />Al "Buddy' Kirsits <br />and women in certain aspects of City employment and contracting. <br />At Large <br />The recent investigation indicates a need to revise South Bend Municipal <br />Code Chapter 14.5; Articles 1 and 2 and the addition of Article 4 per the attached <br />Timothy A. Rouse <br />documents. <br />At Large <br />With filing of this revised version of Ordinance 7811 -87 on Wednesday <br />December 8, 2010 we are asking the council to hear the first reading on December <br />Karen L. Whit <br />13, 2010 and the second reading, public hearing and third reading to be scheduled <br />for January 10, 2011. We ask for your support in the passage of these revisions. <br />Sincerely <br />t <br />Karen L. White, <br />1� *D.ieter, FI'7,d In Cyank's iNce Dere Hen avis r., _ <br />1st District Councilman 2nd District Council and 230 <br />U( f`r: 4fn4 +y 111 <br />