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Special Exception - 4611 S. Burnett South Bend, IN. 46614
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Special Exception - 4611 S. Burnett South Bend, IN. 46614
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12/22/2010 1:48:49 PM
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12/22/2010 1:48:48 PM
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Kodiak Gun & Firing Range <br />Mission Statement: <br />To promote the shooting sports by providing a safe and cost effective facility where law enforcement and <br />individuals alike can learn to shoot and train safely. <br />Overview: <br />Ranges: <br />The facility will provide three different types of ranges: (see ranges tab for detailed info) <br />1. Public Range -Handgun Only <br />2. Tactical Range -Handgun, rifle, shotgun <br />3. Shooting House -Handgun <br />All three ranges will utilize metal targets and only permit lead free non frangible ammunition. Frangible <br />ammunition turns to dust whenever it comes in contact with anything as hard as itself. <br />Niche Market: <br />This facility is unique. Most public ranges only offer the shooter the ability to shoot at a paper target. This <br />facility allows shooters a wide range of metal knockdown and moving targets. In addition; the shooting house <br />facility is the only known indoor facility open to the general public in the United States at this time. Facilities <br />of this type are either government/military owned or offered by private clubs. <br />Law enforcement facilities of this type are very rare. A poll of the police departments in Northern Indiana <br />indicate they either have no facility to shoot at or limited and none of them have access to indoor shooting <br />houses or tactical ranges. <br />to addition, the tactical range allows for draw and fire and tactical reloading. USPSA and IPSC matches as well <br />as cowboy shooting tournaments are becoming very popular. There are no public ranges where these <br />shooters can train. They must join private clubs which are typically outdoor ranges. Our facility allows year <br />round comfortable shooting environment. <br />Another unique ability for the gun store is the ability for gun buyers to test fire used firearms before deciding <br />to purchase (for a small fee of course). Most buyers have to purchase a firearm or shoot someone else's to <br />see if they like it or purchase the firearm and hope they like it. if the gun store has a used firearm similar to <br />the new firearm they are considering purchasing then the gun buyer may try out the used model first. <br />Clientele: <br />1. Law Enforcement <br />2. Average shooter <br />3. Tournament shooters. <br />Additional Services: <br />In addition to the ranges Kodiak will also offer guns for sale as well as shooting accessories. For members <br />there will also be a limited workout facility and martial arts/defense workout area. Classes will be offered in <br />self defense. <br />
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