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10. Qualified off duty police will be utilized as range officers to take the public through the <br />shooting house. The officer will receive half the hourly fee. <br />Security: <br />A full service third party security system will be utilized such as ADT. All firearms will be locked <br />in safes during non operation hours until additional security measure can be put in place to <br />insure safe storage of firearms. All ranges will be monitored by surveillance cameras at all <br />times. Video feed will be viewed by the front desk personnel as well as support staff in offices. <br />Lead Free Facility: <br />This facility uses only lead free frangible ammunition. The ammunition is frangible which <br />means it turns into dust whenever it hits anything as hard as itself. This prevents the possibility <br />of ricochets. The bullet is made up of a copper/tin composite dust. No lead is used anywhere in <br />the facility. No regular ammunition is allowed to be used in the facility. Strict penalties are in <br />place to insure compliance. <br />STANDARDS FOR SPECIAL EXPCEPTIONS I.C. 36-7-4-918.4 as listed <br />below: <br />i. The proposed use will not be injurious to the public health, safety, comfort, community <br />moral standards, convenience or general welfare. <br />Answer: This range will be constructed to NRA specs for high powered Full Metal Jacket <br />ammunition. However, only LEAD FREE FRANGIBLE ammunition will be used in this facility. <br />Since this is a lead free facility there will not be any issues with lead on employees, customers, <br />or in the air vented to the outside. The lead free frangible ammunition is a copper/tin dust <br />composite. <br />The lead free frangible ammunition disintegrates into dust whenever it comes in contact with <br />anything as hard as itself. Therefore, ricochets are not an issue and since the range is built to <br />handle high powered rifle rounds there is not possibility of a round escaping the range. <br />All efforts will be made to minimize any noise both inside the range and the outside. The inside <br />will have sound deadening materials such as vulcanized rubber, carpet and ceiling tiles on the <br />walls and ceiling to deaden noise. The inside of the overall facility will also have additional <br />insulation and if needed the outside of the block range on the inside of the building will have <br />additional sound deadening materials placed on it. <br />ii. The proposed use will not injure or adversely affect the use of the adjacent area or <br />property values therein; <br />Answer: This facility will be very unique as no other facility of this kind is known to exist which <br />is available to the public. This facility will provide a greatly needed training facility for not only <br />the public but for area law enforcement agencies. In addition, the facility will promote classes <br />