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City of South Bend, Indiana <br />Year End Additional Appropriations <br />(increases or decreases in total fund expenditures) <br />November 17, 2010 <br />Budget <br />Department FisealOftleer/ Aeeount ineressel <br />Fund Nama Name Account Nama ConUCt Nama Number Decrease Justification <br /> <br />Civil Ci Funds <br /> <br />Coun O lion Inwme Tex Polawatomi Greenhouse Buildin Ca ital Gre Zientaral 404-1108-452.42-02 100,000.00 Desi n end installation of six hi ffefficien heaters in the conservatories to re lace anti vated boilers. <br /> Bill Carleton <br /> <br />Hall of Fame Ca ital Fund Hell of Fame Building Repair Gre Zientere 877-0414.645.36.01 137,804.00 Reimburse NFF for repairs 8 maintenance costs of Hall of Fame building since 2003 <br /> <br />General Fund Enery~ce Other Professional Services John Mu h I 101-0607-419-31-OB 654,372.00 Seoond draw of ere wnsarvation rani received 9/13110. To be used for a traffic si nal o timization <br /> Gary Gilot stu end other ro'eils. 100°k reM funded from federel stimulus dollars. The Board of Public Works <br /> has ap roved a $400,000 contrail for traffic si naf o timization usin these funds, sub'eil to CounciUMa or <br /> roust of the additional a ro ria8on ordinance. <br /> <br />UDAG Fund Ewnomic Devel~ment Building Ce ital GreggZientara 410.1002460.41-02 5,300,000.00 Economic Develo meM business retention ro'ed in downtown central distnil <br /> <br />Coun O lion Inwme Tex Ewnomic Development Buildin Ca ital Gregg Zinntara 404-1002460.41-02 1,200,000.00 Economic Develo eM business retention ro eat in downtown central distnil <br /> <br />Coun O lion Inwme Ta_ x Economic Development Buildin Ca flat GreggZientere 404-1002460-41-02 2,700,000.00 COIT Fund loan to UDAG Fund 410 in au oA of Economic Davel mart business retention ro ail in <br /> downtown central distnil. UDAG loan to be repaid to COIT Fund from UDAG future revenue stream over <br /> period of fscal 2011 to loan matun in fiscal 2015 without interest. UDAG revenue stream defined from <br /> BDC Business Develo mart Co ore8on obit ationa to UDAG Fund <br /> <br />Liabili Insurance Fund Liabilit~nsurencs Llabilit~Clalms Chuck Leonel 226-0412-872-39-07 442,128.00 Increase liability daims budget tram $1 000 000 to $1 442 128. Total pa ants of $1,242,128 aid throw h <br /> Ma Amdl November 3, 2010. An edditionel amount of $200,000 ma be needed to cover two sadlemants that ma <br /> occur prior to year and. $242,128 current shortfall + $200,000 estimated ~ $442,128 estimated needed. <br /> Uabiliy claims history: 2009 - $507,209, 2008 - $248,917, 2007 - $410,905, 2008 - $374,089 <br /> 2005 • $789,881, 2004 - $313,107, 2003 - $288,558 <br />General Fund Police Depanment Misc. Cha es 8 S__ervices Don PinckerU 101-0801.421-39-89 115,548.00 Reimburse police officers for aaoline cha es deducted from II and de sited into account number <br /> Grogg Zientara 101-0801-380.10.94 in the General Fund during the eriod Au ust 2008 Mrou h Ju 2010. <br /> Per disussiona with olive unions. For 2010 Polies aao8ne costs ex iled to be a roximatel <br /> $150,0001ess than bud at. <br /> <br />General Fund En inearing SignaVLi hg t Supplies Cori LittrelV 101.00_02.431.22-40 15,555.00 Uae remaining DNR Brent proceeds to purchase 8ashin beawns, controller, lea and solar anels used <br /> John M_u_ rph at pedestrian erossin s. Ci received a $250 000 rant on 915/08 for IUSB Northside Trail ro'eil. Total <br /> p~eil expenditures were $234 445 leaving an uns ant balance of $15,555. Per Cad Littrell discussion with <br /> DNR the remaining funds can ba spent for the above items in lieu of retundi the uns ant reM roceeds. <br /> <br />Human Ri hts Grent Fund EE_OC Program Education 6 Training Lonnie Douglas! 258.1008-415.39.70 3,000.00 Pass-through grant of $3 000.00 received on Apri19 2010 and paid to Indiana Consortium of State and <br /> Rahman Johnson Local Governments. Funds de osited into revenue account #258.1008.380.10.99. No cost to the Ci . <br /> <br />EMS Capital Fund Firo Department Motor VehlGe Mark Nowieki 288.0902422.43-02 600,000.00 Purchase Firo Department Ouint with assistance of a $600,000 laderet grant that will be deposited into <br /> revenue. The City match is $295,000 and this cost is being transfened from the exisitng Capital Lease bud et <br /> foror 2070 that will not be spent (see also the budget transfer ordinance). The Quint is expected to be approved <br /> _ <br />by the Board of Public Works on December 8, 2010, subject to Common CounciUMa r e roust of the <br />Total Additional A ro nations - Civil CI Funds 11,288,405.00 additional ep nation ordinance. <br /> <br />Ente rise Funds <br /> <br />Cantu Center Canlu~Center Prinel le Stacey hunch 870.0408-845-38-01 158,825.00 Payoff Old National Bank loan ea to avoid additional interest ex ense.Current interest rete of 3.58% <br />Century Center Century Center Interest Stacey Church 670.0408-845-38-02 375.00 is higher than can ba earned on investments. Last payment is curremy scheduled for January 10, 2013. <br /> Century Center has sufficient cash reserves to make this loan payoff and it makes economic sense and <br />Total Additional A r0 rlatiOns - Ente ris e Funds 157,000.00 has been authorized by the Century Center Board of Managers. <br /> <br /> <br />Total Additional A ro rlaUona -All Funds 11,42s,aos.oo <br /> <br /> <br /> Fund Fund Total Grant Net <br /> Number Name A ro riationa Revenue CI Cost <br /> <br /> 101 General Fund 785,473.00 (689,927.00 115,548.00 <br /> 228 Liabil' Insurence Fund 442,128.00 0.00 442,128.00 <br /> 258 Human Ri hg to Grant Fund 3,000.00 (3,000.0 0.00 <br /> 288 EMS Ca ital Fund 600,000.00 (600,000.00 0.00 <br /> 404 COIT Fund 4,000,000.00 0.00 4,0 <br />00 <br />, <br />000.00 <br /> 410 UDAG Fund 5,300,000.00 _ <br />_ <br />_ <br /> 877 Hall of Fame Capital Fund 137,804.00 0.00 137,804.00 <br /> Subtotal-Civil City 11,288,408.00 x,274,927.00 4,89$,478_00 <br /> 870 Century Center Fund 157,000.00 0.00 157,000.00 <br /> Grand Total 11,425,405.00 (1,274,927.00) 4,852,478.00 <br /> <br />Dna 2010 AdditionN Appopn.fbn Yser ErW nwkN~sstxla Peasd ofd <br />