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21( <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />A regular meeting of the Board of Public <br />9:30 a.m. on Monday, August 14, 1978 by <br />McMahon, with Mr. McMahon, Mr. Mullen an <br />Deputy City Attorney Terry A. Crone was <br />MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING APPROVED <br />AUGUST 14, 1978 <br />Works was convened at <br />President Patrick M. <br />d Mr. Brunner present. <br />also present. <br />Mr. Brunner reported that the minutes of the August 7, 1978 meeting <br />had been reviewed and he made a motion that the minutes be approved. <br />Mr. McMahon seconded the motion and it carried. <br />OPENING OF BIDS - FENCE AT MUNICIPAL SERVICES FACILITY <br />This was the date set for opening bids for construction of a fence <br />at the Municipal Services Facility, 701 W. Sample Street. The Clerk <br />tendered proofs of publication of notice in the South Bend Tribune <br />and the Tri- County News which were found to be sufficient. The <br />following bids were opened and publicly read: <br />Morse Electric Company Bid was signed by Brett Morse, <br />South Bend, Indiana non- collusion affidavit was in <br />order and a.5% bid bond was submitted. <br />Bid - $13,362.50 <br />A bid was received from Project Fence Company after the time specified <br />for receipt of bids. Deputy City Attorney Terry A. Crone advised the <br />Board that the bid could not be opened because it was not received <br />before the 9:30 a.m, deadline. A representative from Project Fence <br />Company was in attendance and stated that he was in the building <br />before the deadline but was in an elevator that was malfunctioning <br />and that was the reason for the late delivery. Mr. McMahon said the <br />Board would note the comments and he made a motion that the bid of <br />Project Fence Company be returned since it could not be opened by the <br />Board. Mr. Brunner seconded the motion and it carried. Upon motion <br />made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Mullen and carried, the bid <br />received and read was referred to the Bureau of Public Construction <br />for review and recommendation. <br />HEARING ON DENIAL OF TAXI LICENSE - GREGORY PAKSI <br />At the request of Gregory Paksi, a hearing was scheduled for this <br />date on the denial.of a taxi driver's license application. Mr. <br />McMahon noted that the Board approved the recommendation of City <br />Controller Peter H. Mullen to deny the license. Mr. Paksi was <br />present. Mr. Mullen stated that, based on the recommendation of the <br />Police Department, he recommended that the license be denied because <br />of the arrest record of the applicant for possession and dealing <br />in narcotics and for public intoxication. Mr. Paksi said this <br />record was correct but said he could have fought the last public <br />intoxication charge and won but his attorney recommended that it <br />would be easier to plead guilty and pay the fine and get it over with. <br />Mr. Paksi said he was clean as far as drug usage was concerned and <br />had been for a long time. He has secured a public chauffeur's license <br />and has a job driving for a taxi company when he can get a license. <br />Mr. McMahon noted that the date of the most recent arrest for public <br />intoxication was June, 1978 and said, due to the recent date of the <br />last arrest, he felt the Board should support the position of the <br />Police Department and the City Controller with regard to the license. <br />Mr. McMahon made a motion that the Board affirm its' action of last <br />week in denying the license application. Mr. Brunner seconded the <br />motion and it carried, with Mr. Mullen abstaining. The Board advised <br />Mr. Paksi that he could reapply at a later date when he has maintained <br />a clean record for a period of time. <br />