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REGULAR MEETING <br />153 <br />JUNE 12, 1978 <br />asked if the width of the street could be left at thirty -two feet. <br />Mr. McMahon said federal guidelines would not permit the work <br />without widening the streets, but would include sidewalk, curb, <br />sewer and street improvements. Councilman Miller said he objected <br />to the charge that no work has been done in the neighborhood <br />and pointed out that Linden Avenue was radically improved recently. <br />Mr. McMahon pointed out that the Model Cities Sewer Project was <br />completed and streets and curbs in the area were constructed where <br />funds were available. Johnson Street and Fassnacht Street were <br />included in the street and sewer work. Residents questioned <br />additional truck traffic in the area and said signs have been posted <br />prohibiting truck traffic from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. Mr. Brunner <br />said there will not be inter -city truck traffic permitted. However, <br />truck traffic making local deliveries is permitted on any street. <br />Mr. Brunner then pointed out that the Board is receptive to the views <br />of the neighborhood. It was the City's view that this project <br />conceived six years ago would be pursued. The residents have now <br />made concise objections for not having: the project go through. <br />He said the City responds affirmatively to requests of the neighborhood <br />associations when it is possible. The City has not had a consensus <br />of what the neighborhood wants and conflicting opinions have been <br />expressed. The City will respond as quickly as possible when a <br />consensus has been received. Councilman Miller said a substantial <br />amount of money has been spent in that neighborhood. He noted <br />if the residents only want Orange and Colfax repaved, the City could <br />apply slurry seal and the federal money could be used in other areas, <br />such as in the third district where sewer separation is needed. <br />Mr. Carter said the residents would like the improvements made <br />without any strings attached. Mr. Brunner said there has been a lack <br />of 'communication between the City and the residents and asked that <br />someone from the City be invited to attend any meetings were the <br />project is discussed. Per. McMahon then suggested that the residents <br />meet with David A. Wells, Manager of the Bureau of Design and <br />Administration to discuss the alternative plan. Mr. Willis, 1119 <br />W. Colfax called attention of the Board to the fact that a tree <br />was killed in the parkway in front of his residence because the <br />roots were going into the sewer. He said he does not feel it is <br />his responsibility to remove the dead tree. Mr. McMahon said the <br />Board would look into the matter. Following the meeting with Mr. <br />Wells, Mr. Dennis Moran and Mr. Willis returned to the Board meeting <br />Mr. Moran said it was his feeling that the residents were not agreeable <br />to the use of federal money if it meant the streets were to be <br />widened. He said he felt the residents needed to see an actual <br />proposal on paper before they could judge what was to be done. Mr. <br />McMahon said such a proposal could be prepared. Mr. Willis said <br />he wanted the street improvements and would go along with the <br />widening and parking restrictions if there was no other way. He said <br />he felt the Mayor had been fair in giving the neighborhood an <br />alternate plan for consideration. <br />NOTIFICATION OF ASSIGNMENT OF VEHICLE NUMBERS FILED <br />Chief Michael Borkowski submitted to the Board a schedule of <br />reassignment of police vehicle numbers because of the new vehicles <br />acquired. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Mullen <br />and carried, the notification was filed. <br />BID ADVERTISING APPROVED - FIRE DEPARTMENT AIR COMPRESSOR <br />Chief Oscar Van Wiele submitted specifications for an air compressor <br />for the Fire Department and requested that the Board authorize <br />bid advertising. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. <br />Brunner and carried, the request was approved and the Clerk was <br />directed to advertise, with sealed bids to be received on June 26. <br />