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143 <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />JUNE 5, 1978 <br />PETITION FOR TWO -HOUR PARKING ZONE AT 1400 MISHAWAKA AVE. FILED <br />A petition signed by six residents of the 1400 block Mishawaka <br />Avenue, requesting a two -hour parking zone in that block, from <br />9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, was submitted to <br />the Board. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. <br />Mullen and carried, the petition was referred to the Bureau of <br />Traffic and Lighting for review and recommendation. <br />REQUEST FOR THIRTY - MINUTE PARKING ZONE FILED <br />Eugene Sayer requested that the Board change a two -hour parking <br />zone at the north -east corner of 28th Street and Mishawaka <br />Avenue to a thirty- minute zone, to allow for turnover of parking. <br />Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Mullen and <br />carried, the request was referred to the Bureau of Traffic and <br />Lighting for review and recommendation. <br />OPEN AIR STAND APPROVED - 1346 N. IRONWOOD <br />The application of Steve Crane to operate a fireworks stand at <br />1346 N. Ironwood, from June 23 through July 5, was tabled last week <br />for review in connection with the construction of the Ironwood <br />Drive improvements. Mr. McMahon noted that he has reviewed the <br />application and it will not interfere with the planned construction. <br />However, a stipulation has been added to the application that <br />the license is subject to revocation upon written notice if <br />warranted by construction of the Ironwood Drive Improvements. Upon <br />motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Mullen and carried, <br />the application was approved with the above stipulation, and subject <br />to securing the necessary City license and compliance with the <br />regulations of the South Bend Fire Department and the State Fire <br />Marshall. <br />OPEN AIR STAND APPROVED - 806 E. LASALLE <br />Mary E. Bognar submitted an application to operate an open air <br />stand for the sale of fireworks at .806 E. LaSalle. The property is <br />commercially zoned and the written permission of the property owner <br />was attached. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. <br />Mullen and carried, the Board approved the application, subject to <br />securing the necessary City license and compliance with the <br />regulations of the South Bend Fire Department and the State Fire <br />Marshall. <br />OPEN AIR STAND APPLICATION DENIED - OLIVE AND SAMPLE <br />The application of William E. Moore, d /b /a G & M Enterprises, <br />to operate an open air stand for the sale of fireworks at the corner <br />of Olive and Sample, on railroad property, was submitted to the Board. <br />James A. Masters, Deputy City Attorney, advised the Board that the <br />Fire Department and Police Department made a response to a citizen <br />complaint that fireworks were being unloaded at 1715 Portage Avenue <br />in a residential zone. William E. Moore, Chicago, Illinois, was <br />present at 1715 Portage Avenue at the time the Departments investigated <br />the complaint. It is alleged that fireworks are being delivered from <br />that address, which is in an A Residential Zone. There is great <br />concern that fireworks may be being brought in and stored there. <br />Mr. Masters requested that the Board schedule a hearing so the applicant <br />will be required to appear before the Board and explain whether <br />fireworks are being distributed from that location. Mr. Mullen <br />inquired whether this was the same applicant with whom the Board dealt <br />last year with regard to stands operating for the sale of flowers <br />and fireworks without proper licensing. Mr. Masters indicated this <br />was the same applicant. Mr. Mullen made a motion to deny the application. <br />Mr. McMahon seconded the motion and it carried. The applicant will <br />be notified of the denial and of a hearing scheduled on the matter <br />for next Monday, June 12 at the regular meeting of the Board. <br />