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REGULAR MEETING JULY 26, 2010 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Joe Kernan, 114 E. Pokagon, South Bend, Indiana, stated that in the interest of full <br />disclosure that his mother’s brother Tom a naval aviator in WWII, and an idol of his as it <br />turned out later in life ended up with a life partner who happened to be an African <br />American Cal Ashford. Mr. Kernan stated that there were 9 kids in his family all who <br />loved Uncle Tom and Cal very much. They made each other happy and had a <br />relationship that was very special in his family. He stated that he had just come from the <br />Cove and this is the first time that he has been back in this room in over 14 years. He <br />stated that the attendance tonight at the ballpark is 5,000. He stated that he employs over <br />100 people at the stadium and not once were they ever asked during their interview what <br />their ancestors came from, racial make-up, age, who or what they worship, if they had <br />any disabilities, nor were they asked what there gender identity or sexual orientation is. <br />Mr. Kernan stated that frankly it is none of his business nor anyone else’s in the <br />community unless and until someone has discriminated against in their ability to get a <br />job. Those reasons have been around for centuries, it is now time to step up and protect <br />every individual who is interested in getting employed. The failure to pass Bill No. 30- <br />10 sends the message that we as a community are intolerant. We are better that that, this <br />is one of those time that comes around not very often when we get a chance to stand up <br />and talk about what we believe in and believe is the right direction the right course of <br />action to protect everyone who call this community home. He urged the Council to pass <br />Bill No. 30-10 and recognize that this is an opportunity to do something that will have a <br />tremendous impact going forward. <br /> <br />th <br />Mayor Stephen Luecke, 14 Floor County-City Building, 227 W. Jefferson Blvd., South <br />Bend, Indiana, stated that he rises in support of Bill No. 30-10. On June 24, 2009 he <br />issued an executive order that prohibited discrimination based on sexual orientation or <br />gender identity for the City of South Bend because he believed in his mind and heart that <br />it is the right thing to do. He encouraged the Council to vote in favor of this bill. He <br />stated that he has heard people debate whether this is pro-business or anti-business, and <br />there will be many different opinions on that. Mayor Luecke stated that he believes that <br />the more important issue is how the City of South Bend stands for employment fairness. <br />This ordinance will not solve all of the problems on this issue in our community, but it <br />does give an opportunity for those who have been discriminated against the ability to <br />have conciliation through the Human Rights Commission. He urged the Council to vote <br />in favor of this bill. <br /> <br />Catherine Pittman, 2628 Summit Ridge, South Bend, Indiana, stated that the Council is <br />going to hear negative comments tonight on this legislation. She stated that this <br />legislation is not going to take an employers right to enforce a dress code or to object to <br />behaviors that are of misconduct. But if an employer finds out that a female employee <br />was born a boy should they have the right to fire that person. Or if an employers finds <br />out that an employee loves someone of the same gender should they have right to fire that <br />person. She stated that opponents to this bill will tell frightening stories about the <br />transgendered community using the same bathrooms as everyone else. Yes, they use the <br />same bathrooms as everyone else however, this bill has nothing to do with regulating <br />bathrooms. She stated that opponents to this legislation will argue that this legislation is <br />giving special rights and allowing members of the GLBT community to have certain jobs. <br />She stated that they already have those jobs, they teach and coach the children of the <br />community, they care for the elderly, they cut hair, they design homes, volunteer in the <br />South Bend community and enjoy recreation in parks. She stated that they don’t want to <br />destroy South Bend, they want to be a part of it, they want to work along side and be <br />treated equally. Right now they don’t have that same right, because no one has said that <br />they have that same right. She stated that the Council is the governing body to allow that <br />same right. She urged the Council to give that same right of being allowed to be treated <br />equally in the workplace. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />The following individuals spoke in opposition to the bill: <br /> <br /> 7 <br /> <br />