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m <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />DECEMBER 31, 1979 <br />ENCROACHMENT APPROVED - RAILWAY EXPRESS BUILDING <br />The Smith -White Partnership requested that the Board approve an <br />encroachment in the public right -of -way at the Railway Express <br />Building on West South Street. The building is being renovated <br />and they are requesting an encroachment to allow exit doors to <br />swing over the property line and to install a 30 inch planter <br />strip along the building. The Building Department has reviewed <br />the request and recommends approval. Upon motion made by Mr. <br />McMahon, seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried, the Board approved <br />the encroachment, subject to the filing of a Certificate of <br />Insurance with the Board. <br />DAFFODIL SALE APPROVED - AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY <br />The American Cancer Society submitted a request to the Board to <br />conduct the annual Daffodil Sale on the public sidewalks on <br />River Bend Plaza and at the American Bank and County -City Building <br />on March 28 and 29. Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by <br />Mr. Brunner and carried, the request was approved. <br />REQUEST FOR MARATHON FILED - ST. JOSEPH COUNTY BLOOD BANK <br />The St. Joseph County Blood Bank submitted a request to hold a <br />Marathon on May 24, 1980. The proposed route was submitted in <br />accordance with the guidelines for Marathons. Upon motion made <br />by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Mullen and carried, the date was <br />reserved for the organization and the request was referred to the <br />Bureau of Traffic and Lighting and the Police Department for <br />review and recommendation. <br />MICHIANA LUNG RUN REQUEST FILED <br />The Board received a request from Donald Dake to hold the second. <br />Michiana Lung Run in South Bend. The date requested is June <br />7, 1980 and the route was submitted. Upon motion made by Mr. <br />McMahon, seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried, the Board approved <br />the date for the organization and the request was referred to the <br />Bureau of Traffic and Lighting for review and recommendation. <br />IMPROVE14ENT RESOLUTION NO. 3461 RESCINDED <br />The Board, at the request of property owners, had adopted an <br />Improvement Resolution for the paving of an alley at the request . <br />of property owners. Following a hearing on the matter when an <br />estimate of cost was presented, the owners requested that an <br />alternate estimate for the cost of asphalt paving be prepared and <br />submitted to them for consideration. The Board prepared the <br />second estimate and submitted it to the property owners, through. <br />Mrs. Dorothy Beghtel who was to contact other owners. Mrs. Beghtel <br />has now advised the Board that the property owners are no longer, <br />interested in pursuing the matter. Upon motion made by Mr. <br />McMahon, seconded by Mr. Brunner and carried, the Board rescinded <br />Improvement Resolution No. 3461 and the improvement will not be <br />made. <br />1 <br />r <br />