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• <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />DECEMBER 10, 1979 <br />I respect that. The Board of Public Works respects that. And <br />the Board may well decide to terminate the Prenco, Inc. lease, <br />but it should also address the following questions. <br />1. What amount of soluble waste is generated in. the <br />St. Joseph County area? What increase in such <br />amounts are predicted for the next five to ten years? <br />2. What need exists in our area for soluble waste disposal <br />facilities? <br />3. What is the present state of the art in disposal of <br />such wastes? <br />4. What alternative approaches exist for the safe disposal <br />of soluble wastes in our area? <br />5. What sites are available for the location of soluble <br />waste disposal facilities? <br />This morning I make two recommendations to the Board of Public Works. <br />First, that the Board of Public Works delay any decision to <br />terminate the Prenco lease until the next City Administration and <br />City Council have taken office on January 1, 1980. The decision <br />to terminate the lease should be left up to the incoming <br />administration and Council because such a decision may have legal <br />and financial ramifications which they will have to deal with <br />and because only a few weeks are left until these elected officials <br />take office. <br />Second, that a thorough study of the questions listed above be <br />commissioned by the City through a contract with an appropriate <br />firm. This will allow for all major facets of the matter to be <br />thoroughly considered and will prepare the way for broad <br />consideration of the total issue of soluble waste disposal in our <br />area. I shall request that an appropriation be made from 1980 <br />Revenue Sharing Funds as soon as possible, in hopes that the study <br />can be completed in about sixty days. <br />Please note that I am not suggesting that the decision about the <br />lease be delayed until the study is completed. <br />Very truly yours, <br />s/ Patrick M. McMahon, P. E. <br />President " <br />Mr. McMahon then commented on the allegations made by Mr. Wolf <br />that the Prenco facility burned PCB's and said that is not consistent <br />with any information that has been received from the Health <br />Department or Mr. Brophy. Mr. Brophy stated that he had not made <br />application to burn PCB's in South Bend. Mr, McMahon asked if he <br />had made such application elsewhere and Mr. Brophy said he had made <br />application to burn PCB's at locations in Michigan. Mr. McMahon <br />asked Mr. Brophy if the EPA had inspected the plant in South Bend <br />for the purpose of burning PCB's and Mr. Brophy said not to his <br />knowledge. Mr. McMahon then stated that the County Health Department <br />found no reason the facility should not be operating. Mr. Hunt of <br />the State Board of Health was contacted by telephone this morning. <br />David A. Wells, Manager of the Bureau of Public Construction, was <br />a party to that conversation and he reported that Mr. Hunt said he <br />had reviewed the plant and the operation, thought that it was a good <br />operation and found it satisfactory. Mr. McMahon said the State <br />Board of Health made several recommendations over the past year and, <br />