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252 <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />NOVEMBER 13, 1979 <br />12. What consideration has been given to the effects this <br />all will have on the residential climate of the area? <br />on the aesthetic aspects of the Pinhook Park site? <br />on the fact that this is an historic site? <br />13. What if there is spillage or leaks, or an overturned tanker? <br />What would this do to the water in the Pinhook Park Lagoon. <br />(There was an oil leak into the lagoon in 1976 and the <br />deposits are still there? This couldrender the park <br />unusable. <br />14. Why was there no compliance with the Air Pollution <br />Ordinance? Why are there no filters or scrubbers on the <br />stacks? What about zoning ordinances? <br />Dr. Peyser then commented on 'questions, expressing the concern of <br />the residents because of the odor, the flames, the recent fire <br />and the bringing into the area of waste from other areas. <br />Mr. McMahon responded to Dr. Peyser's comments by stating that the <br />City will investigate the matter. He said the Soluble Oil Disposal <br />Facility was built in 1974 to handle liquid wastes. It was felt <br />better for the community to handle the material in this manner <br />rather than in deep wells in the ground. It was considered one <br />of the best means of disposal of these types of waste by the <br />Environmental Protection Agency for industries in the community. <br />It was also felt that better control of the handling of these wastes <br />was needed. However, there was a volume of waste needed in order <br />to keep that facility operating and that volume was not being met, <br />so the City ceased the operation of the facility. The manufacturer <br />made a proposal to operate the facility on a dollar a year basis <br />with the understanding that it would be operated in full compliance <br />with the air pollution standards. That is what prompted the Board <br />to enter into the lease with Prenco. He pointed out that this <br />action was taken only after a series of public meetings of the <br />Board and the Council, with the news media covering these meetings <br />and it was felt that the information was made available to the <br />community through television, radio and newspaper coverage. With <br />regard to the fire last week, Mr. McMahon said the Board would refer <br />the matter, to the Fire Chief and ask that an inspection be made <br />both by the South Bend Fire Department and the State Fire Marshal <br />to see that the operation is being conducted in compliance with the <br />applicable codes. With regard to air pollution, Mr. McMahon said <br />Prenco was advised when the lease was entered into that they would <br />be required to meet the air pollution standards set by the County <br />Health Department, the agency charged with monitoring such matters. <br />The Health Department may have established a schedule for Prenco <br />with regard to meeting those standards. The Board has not heard <br />anything from the Health Department regarding any problem with <br />Prenco not meeting the air pollution standards. The Board will <br />request that Paul Troost of the Health Department make an inspection <br />of the facility for compliance with Health Department regulations. <br />If the Health Department feels that action is necessary, they will <br />advise the Board. In addition, the Board will ask,.-,the Building <br />Department to make an inspection of the facility for any Code <br />violations. Mrs. Schaum, 1834 Ribourde Drive, asked about the <br />possibility of an oilleak in the area. Mr. McMahon said there are <br />large sumps capable of handling any problems in that regard and there <br />is no reason to believe a leak would occur. Residents noted there <br />was a leak some years ago and evidence of it is still visible in <br />the Pinhook Lagoon, Mr. McMahon advised residents to confer with <br />David Wells, of the Engineering Department Staff, regarding steps <br />that would be taken to prevent any leaks. Mrs. Schaum then asked <br />the Board to take immediate action in this matter because of the <br />air pollution, the obnoxious odor, the large flames and the fire which <br />occurred last week. She also expressed concern about the reason for <br />