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125 <br />REGULAR MEETING <br />JULY 17. 1979 <br />2. If the vacation will leave the real estate of the <br />remonstrators without ingress or egress by means of a <br />public way or street. <br />3. If the vacation will cut off the public's access to a <br />church, school.or public building or grounds. <br />Mr. McMahon said the Board of Public Works makes a determination <br />on vacation petitions based on what is in the best interests of the <br />City. Mr. Mullen asked Mr. Lehr the purpose of the vacation and Mr. <br />Lehr said the petitioners want to consolidate lots they own and <br />pave them for parking and the alley vacation will provide clear <br />access to all this property. Mr. McMahon asked Donald Hartke if <br />the semis use the east /west alley for deliveries and Mr. Hartke said <br />they do. He said he would have to carry the items delivered some <br />distance to his store if the alley is vacated. He said it is not <br />feasible for the semis to turn off Colfax or LaSalle into the alley. <br />Mr. McMahon said he felt the unloading of the semi - trucks is the <br />major problem. He said he felt if the alley was vacated, the trucks <br />would not unload in the back but would be unloading on St. Peter <br />Street. From a traffic standpoint, the problem would be the danger <br />of semis blocking St. Peter Street to the public. He said he would <br />recommend that the Board deny the vacation but noted there would be <br />no objection to the paving of the alley and making improvements so <br />that it would be contiguous to the properties adjacent to it, so <br />long as access to the alley was not 'denied. Mr. McMahon made a <br />motion to rescind Vacation Resolution No. 3472 and deny the <br />petition, with the understanding that the Board would be agreeable <br />to any proposals to pave and improve the alley, leaving it <br />accessible to the public. Mr. Mullen seconded the.motion and <br />it carried. <br />SALE OF PLAZA PARK APPROVED SUBJECT TO COUNCIL APPROVAL <br />The Board received a report from James A. Seitz, Superintendent of <br />Parks, advising that Van Gates has increased his offer for the <br />sale of Plaza Park to $175,000.00. By unanimous decision, the <br />Board of Park Commissioners is recommending that the Board of Public <br />Works approve the sale of Plaza Park to Mr. Gates for $175,000. <br />Mr. McMahon noted that the sale of the property at less than the <br />appraised value of $245,750 must be approved by the Common Council. <br />He acknowledged receipt of a letter to the Board of Public Works <br />from Van E. Gates increasing his offer for Plaza Park to $175,000. <br />The correspondence from the Park Board and from Mr, Gates was filed. <br />Rick Gilhoff, 1036 W. Jefferson, spoke against the sale, in view <br />of the President's recent energy speech and the role it is <br />anticipated that public transportation will have in resolving the <br />problem. He also noted that green space should be retained opposite <br />Union Station, since train traffic may increase in the coming years. <br />Upon motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Mullen and carried, <br />the Board approved the sale of Plaza Park to Van E. Gates for <br />$175,000.00, subject to approval by the Common Council and directed <br />that a resolution be prepared for Council action at the next meeting. <br />APPROVAL OF CONTRACTS - FIRST BANK CENTER <br />Contracts for the mass excavation and concrete foundations for the <br />public portion of the First Bank Center were submitted to the Board. <br />The Contracts are in accordance with the bids accepted by the Board <br />on June 28. The Contract with Ritschard Brothers, Inc., is in the <br />amount of $140,000 for Mass Excavation and the Performance Bond, <br />Labor and Materials Payment Bond and Certificate of Insurance were <br />attached. Upon motion made by Mr.McMahon, seconded by Mr. Mullen <br />and carried, the contract was approved and the bonds filed. The <br />contract with Henry- Williams, Inc. for concrete foundations is in <br />the amount of $436,244. The Performance Bond, -Labor and Materials <br />Payment Bond and Certificate of Insurance were attached. Upon <br />motion made by Mr. McMahon, seconded by Mr. Mullen and carried, <br />the contract was approved and the bonds filed, <br />