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Ira Hunsberger, Superintendent of the Electrical Department, recommends that a <br />000 lumen light at the following locations, 28th Street and Grand Trunk Railroad, <br />220 West Jefferson Street, Pulaski Street near Dunham Street, Fisher Street near <br />ebster Street, and two on Pine Street in the 900 block. Board now approves the <br />ecommendation of the Electrical Department. <br />Fire Chief requests permission to send Lieutenant Carlson to Purdue University <br />I or one day for a special course on evacuation. Permission granted. <br />Captain Trevey of the Civil Defense Department appeared before the Board and re- <br />uested permission to occupy 60 feet in front of the Court House for the purpose of <br />ublic display on behalf of the observance of Civil Defense Week on Tuesday, Septem- <br />er 10, 1956 at 1:00 P.M. till 5:30 P.M. Permission granted. <br />There being no further business to come before the Board, the m eting was adjourned <br />10:55 A.M. (DST). j <br />CHAIRMAN <br />TTEST: ANTHONY /J., W, CLERK <br />Septemberi0, 1956 <br />A regular-meeting of the Board of Public Safety was held on Tuesday, September 4, <br />11 56 at 10 :00 A.M. (DST). All members were present. Minutes of the previous regular <br />m eting were read and approved. Claims in the total amount of $2,098.76 were approved <br />laid ordered paid to the following suppliers: <br />City Water Works <br />785.47 <br />J. Charles Dutrieux <br />50.00 <br />ELitectic Welding Alloys Corp. <br />101.57 <br />Earl P. Garson <br />6.00 <br />G obe Printing Shop <br />62.50 <br />V. Graves Auto Glass <br />10.11 <br />Harley-Davidson Sales <br />5.50 <br />Harley- Davidson Sales <br />170.77 <br />H' -Speed Auto Wash <br />135.00 <br />Hoffman Brothers <br />16.25 <br />H lley's Shell Station <br />30.95 <br />Ind. & Mich. Elec Company <br />12.92 <br />I d. & Mich. Elec. Company <br />16.68 <br />Ind. & Mich. Elec. Company <br />16.00 <br />I d. & Mich. Elec. Company <br />11.44 <br />Ind. & Mich. Elec. Company <br />2.88 <br />Memorial Hospital <br />3.75 <br />Memorial Hospital <br />6.50 <br />Memorial Hospital <br />23.25 <br />Modern Floor Covering Shop <br />146.50 <br />The O'Brien Corporation <br />30.48 <br />Radio Distributing Co. <br />2.80 <br />Radio Distributing Co. <br />2.14 <br />Radio Distributing Co. <br />3.00 <br />Sheehan Tire Service Co. <br />26.70 <br />Richey Radiator Service <br />15.00 <br />Radio Distributing Co. <br />4.75 <br />Sheehan Tire Service Co. <br />84.00 <br />Sinclair Refining Company <br />44.28 <br />H. H. Slominski, M.D. <br />12.00 <br />H. H. Slominski, M.D. <br />3.00 <br />South Bend Electric Company <br />2.50 <br />South Bend Hardware <br />45.46 <br />South Bend Hardware <br />42.38 <br />South Bend Hardware <br />39.28 <br />South Bend Hardware <br />18.60 <br />South Bend Hardware <br />19.01 <br />Studebaker- Packard Corp. <br />29.39 <br />. E. Walz, Inc. <br />59.95 <br />Ira Hunsberger, Superintendent of the Electrical Department, recommends the following <br />ight installations in line with the Mayor's uniform street lighting program: 4000 lumen <br />ight at 429 South 29th. Street, 27th and 28th Streets at the railroad tracks, 530 South <br />2nd Street and in the rear of 129 East Ohio Street. He also recommends the following <br />treet lights to be increased from 1000 lumen to 4000 lumen: In the alley between LaSalle <br />venue and Oak Street four lights, in the rear of the alarm station one light and one light <br />wo alleys south, one light in the one hundred block Ohio Street, two lights in the alley <br />n the alley between Wenger Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, one at Donmoyer and Main Streets <br />,nd one at Milton and Columbia Streets. Board now approves the recommendation of the Elec- <br />rical Superintendent. <br />Ira Hunsberger requests permission to attend the International Municipal Signal Associa- <br />ion to be held next week in Denver on September 17, 189 199 and 209 1956. Permission granted. <br />