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200 <br />A petition, dated September 24, 19.55, calling for improved street <br />lighting on Corby Boulevard,from the 2400 block to the 2800 block <br />inclusive, was examined and referred to Supt. Ira Hunsberger for investi- <br />gation and report. <br />A petition, dated September 24, 1955, bearing sixteen signatures and <br />requesting a street light at the bus stop, corner of Olive and Dubail, <br />was next examined and referred to Supt. Hunsberger for investigation and <br />report. <br />FIRE DEPARTMENT: <br />Fire Chief, R. J. Duck, was present and discussed with-the Board <br />matters pertaining to his de�artraent. , <br />POLICE DEPARTMENT: <br />Chief of Police, R. J. Gillen, being present, placed before the <br />Board his recommendation for the appointment of J. H. Clark, as special <br />police officer in and for the City of-South Bend .and appointment was so <br />ordered. <br />The Board next proceeded to appoint Mary Kathryn Sayers to the Police <br />Auxiliary School Patrol for assignment to the McKinley School district. <br />The time now being 10:00 A. M. C.S.T., it was so.announced and the <br />Board proceeded to open the single bid received to provide eight four -door <br />sedans for the Police Department. <br />Scherman- Schaus- Freeman Co. A non - collusion affidavit <br />Lafayatte and South Sts. and certified check for <br />South Bend, Indiana. $1187.00 accompanied the b1d. <br />8 - 19.5.5 Studebaker Champion Deluxe 4 -Door <br />Sedans equipped as per proposal........ l4,011.36 <br />Less trade -in allowance on 7 cars..20190.0" <br />, <br />The above bid was taken under advisement and award to be made at <br />next regular meeting. <br />There being no further.busin.ess to come before the Board, the <br />meeting was adjourned at 12:00- ofelook noon. <br />ng a rma' n <br />Attest: <br />Clerk <br />1 <br />