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POLICE DEPARTMENT: <br />The Board examined and referred to Chief of Police, R. J. Gillen, a <br />letter from Calvin R. Jones, dated October 18, 1954, and addressed to the <br />Chairman of the Board of Public Safety. <br />The Police Auxiliary School Patrol application of Patricia Jean <br />Molinaro was examined and ordered placed on file. <br />The time nowbeing 11 :00 oIclock,- it was so announced, and the 'Board <br />proceeded to open bid received to supply the six 4 -door sedans, required <br />by the F61ice Department, in accord with legal advertisement. The Bid <br />was, as follows: <br />SCHERMAN- SCHAUS- FREEMAN CO. <br />LAFAYETTE AND SOUTH STREETS <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA <br />A Non - Collusion Affidavit <br />and Certified Check for <br />$633.00 accompanied the Bid. <br />6 - 1955 Studebaker Champion Custom <br />4 -Door Sedans equipped as per <br />specifications in proposal............$1818.75 <br />Less Discount ....... •••••••••.•••••••• <br />Less Federal Tax Exemption.....•...... • <br />-�;0 <br />.Total for 6 Units ...... .....•...••...08673.00 <br />Less trade -in allowance ............... 2350.00 <br />$6323-60 <br />The above bid was taken under' advisement. <br />The Monthly Report of the South Bend Police Department for <br />September 1954, was examined and ordered filed. <br />There being no further business to come before the Board, the <br />meeting was adjourned at 11 :15"A.'M. <br />ors <br />irman <br />Attest - <br />Clerk _~ <br />X <br />1 <br />1 <br />1 <br />