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Chairman of the Board, I. A. Hurwich, announced the time as 11;00 <br />o clock, and in accordance with legal advertising the Board then proceeded <br />with the opening of bids for the building of an addition to Fire Station <br />N . 4, in accord with plans and specifications prepared by architects <br />�4 carer. & Maurer. Bids were as follows: <br />de: <br />bei <br />COT <br />ccc <br />CARL J. REINKE, & SONS <br />1522 W. Ford Street <br />South Bend, Indian. a. <br />A Non - Collusion Affidavit <br />and Bid Bond accompanied <br />the Bid. <br />Work and material for addition to No. 4 <br />Hose House, Walnut & Thomas Street ....... $6775.00. <br />HARRY H. VE'RKLER <br />South Bend, Indiana. <br />A Non - Collusion Affidavit <br />And Bid Bond accompanied <br />the Bid. <br />Addition to Fire Station No. !x...........$8233.00 <br />TAYLOR CONSTRUCTION CO. <br />520 E. Sample St., <br />South Bend, Indiana. <br />A Non- Collusion Affidavit <br />and Bid Bond accompanied <br />the Bid. <br />Addition to Fire Station No. 4......... $6L.L91�.00. <br />All bids being found to be in excess of the sum appropriated for the <br />ired addition, the Board rejected all bids, and this construction is. <br />ng; deferred by the Board until a more practicable time, it being -the <br />sensus of opinion that at a future date this construction can be <br />omplished more advantageously to the Cityts interests. <br />. Fire Department applications of Robert E. Burkhart and Jos. S. Sipocz' <br />we examined and ordered placed on file. <br />The Board examined quotations for the repair of an automobile damaged <br />in an accident involving Fire Engine No. 21 on June 9th at the intersection of <br />incolnway East and Jefferson, and the Police Report of accident. A <br />study of the accident report convinced the Board that the driver of the <br />car was entirely at fault inasmuch as it was shown that his car, traveling <br />in the parallel lane at the right of the fire engine had advanced beyond <br />t e rear of the fire engine to a point where it was impossible for the <br />car driver to see the automatic signal lights on the rear of the fire <br />engine, and consequently the damage to his car, incurred when the fire <br />engine turned the corner to the left is considered to be wholly the fault <br />of the driver of the car and the quoted repair costs are his responsibility. <br />Captain and Lieutenants reports from Engine Companies 11, 21 and 22, <br />c vering runs made to German Township, under dates of June 12th and 19th, <br />w re examined and ordered filed. <br />w <br />There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting <br />is adjourned.a.t 11:50 A. M. <br />Chap man <br />A test: <br />Clerk <br />