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A petition, bearing date of November 19, 1953, requesting the <br />nstallation of a street light at the alley intersection on South 25th <br />treet, "in front of 926 South 25th Street'', was examined and referred to <br />uperintendent Ira Hunsberger for investigation and report. <br />Mr. J. Charles Theobold, Executive Secretary of Civil Defense, <br />ppeared before the Board requesting permission for the testing of air - <br />aid sirens. Permission ways, thereupon, granted the Civil Defense <br />uthorities, to conduct such necessary testing of.this equipment. <br />POLICE DEPARTMENT: <br />The Board examined and approved the application of Richard W. Warner, <br />guard-operator for the American District Telegraph Company, and appointed <br />. Warner as a special police officer in and for the City of South Bend. <br />Police Department application of Marshall Lee Ware was examined by <br />Board and ordered placed on file. <br />IRE DEPARTMENT: <br />Fire Chief, Richard J. Duck, being present, brought to the attention <br />f the Board, his department's urgent need for a new mobile transmitter <br />nd receiver to replace equipment at Central Fire Station now being trans - <br />erred to the City's Radio Repair Shop in former Fire Station No. 3. The <br />oard deemed the purchase necessary and directed the Clerk to proceed <br />ith the procurement of the equipment. <br />The Fire Department applications of Donald J. Brunette and Dexter E. <br />onner were examined and ordered placed on file. <br />Reports of runs made into outlying area by Engine Cos. 12 and 13 <br />rom November 14th to 19th inclusive, were examined and ordered filed. <br />There,being no further business to come before the Board, the <br />eting was adjourned at 11 :30 A. M. <br />C ai an <br />.ttest <br />Clerk <br />