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November 23, 193 <br />A regular meeting of the Board of Public Safety was held Monday, <br />November 23, 1953, at 10:00 A. M. All members were present. Minutes <br />of the previous meeting were read and approved. Salary claims, in the <br />total amount of $74,036.32, were approved. Claims of the following <br />suppliers, in.the amount of $1417.19, were approved and ordered paid: <br />Ace Floor Covering Shop <br />Car Parts, Inc. <br />Gerber Mfg. Co. <br />Gerber Mfg. Co. <br />Gerber Mfg. Co. <br />The Gibson Co. <br />W. H. Glazebrook <br />Hoffman Bros. Auto Electric <br />Hoffman Bros. Auto Electric <br />Indiana Bell Telephone Co. <br />A. G. Meier & Co. <br />Nicholls Printery <br />Nicholls Printery <br />Office Supply & Equipment Co. <br />Office Supply & Equipment Co. <br />The South Bend Supply Co. <br />South Bend Glass Works <br />Sinclair Refining Co. <br />Studebaker Corporation <br />Wire & Disc Wheel Sales <br />ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT: <br />$15.39 Belleville Lumber & Supply $5.42 <br />12.26 <br />Gerber YLfg. Co. <br />15.70 <br />58.00 <br />Gerber Mfg. Co. <br />5.50 <br />20.75 <br />Gerber Mfg. Co. <br />7.80 <br />87.65 <br />Gerber Mfg. Co. <br />60.00 <br />91.76 <br />The Gibson Co. <br />147.40 <br />14.70 <br />V. Graves Auto Glass <br />12.80 <br />5.30 <br />Hoffman Bros. Auto Electric <br />8.93 <br />7.95 <br />Indiana Bell Telephone Co. <br />28.32 <br />12.04 <br />A. G. Meier & Co. <br />22.45 <br />30.35 <br />Northwestern Univ. Traf, <br />5.00 <br />78.00 <br />Nicholls Printery <br />15.00 <br />95.50 <br />Office Engineers, Inc. <br />8.00 <br />53.10 <br />Office Supply & Equip. Co. <br />5.38 <br />2.00 <br />Radio & Television Dist.Co. <br />16.17 <br />6.75 <br />Schillingts <br />107.00 <br />3.21 <br />Simon Brothers <br />23.35 <br />213.07 <br />Studebaker Corporation <br />22.10 <br />9.05 <br />Whitets Radio Service <br />5.00 <br />79.04 <br />�i <br />The recommendation of Superintendent Ira Hunsberger -for the instal- <br />lation of a 4000 lumen light on the southeast corner of Western Avenue <br />and Parry Street was approved by the Board. <br />FIRE DEPARTMENT: <br />Fire- Chief, Richard J. Duck, being present, brought to the atten- <br />tion of the Board, vacancies existing for two Captains, and recommended <br />for promotion to fill these vacancies, Lieutenant Anthony Prebys and <br />Lieutenant Frank Aftowski. The Board approved the promotions, effective <br />December 1, 1953• <br />ints There now being vacancies in the Fire Department for three lieuten- <br />. the Board, upon the recommendation of Chief Duck, promoted the <br />'ollowing privates to the rank of lieutenant, all three promotions to <br />>ecome effective December 1, 1953: <br />Gerald Haag <br />Richard Sowala <br />Earl.Null <br />The Fire Department application of Richard D. Wegner, was examined <br />the Board and ordered placed on file. <br />The Board authorized the release of Purchase Order BW29191 in the <br />mount of $228.12, confirming order by letter, over the signature of the <br />ire Chief, for an emergency order of automotive parts for Air Express <br />hipment, from American LaFrance Foamite Corporation, Elmira, New York, <br />n October 20th. <br />Reports of four runs into outlying area of Portage and German Town - <br />ps by Engine Cos. 11 and 13 were received and ordered filed. <br />OLICE DEPARTMENT: <br />Chief of Police, R. J. Gillen, being present, described to the Board <br />urgency and importance of the course in polygraph training for Lt. <br />'is C. Rourke. The Board then approved the course and the encumbering <br />funds for the payment of the required tuition. <br />Tho Police Department Is need for two new typewriters was next con- <br />sidered and a satisfactory offer to supply these machines being presented, <br />d funds being available for this purpose, the Board approved the pur- <br />c aase and directed the Clerk to consummate the transaction. <br />