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W <br />November 16, 1953 <br />A regular meeting of the Board of Public Safety was held Monday, <br />November 16, 1953, at 10 :00 A. M. All members were present. Minutes <br />of the previous meeting were read and approved. Claims of the following. <br />suppliers, in the amount of $2743.720 were approved and ordered paid: <br />James S. Dias <br />Canton Containers <br />Car Parts, Inc. <br />Gafill Oil Co. <br />V. Graves Auto Glass <br />V. Graves Auto Glass <br />International Business Mach. <br />National Brake Co. <br />Radio & T levision <br />South Bena Drug Co. <br />Scherman- Schaus Freeman Co. <br />Albert W. Smith Co, <br />The Studebaker Corporation <br />Kenneth Tubbs <br />POLICE DEPARTMENT: <br />$21.95 Barry Seat Cover Co. <br />3.84 Davies Superior Laundry <br />32.52 Federal Laboratories, inc. <br />1366.33 Gerber Mfg. Co. <br />�-75 V. Graves Auto Glass <br />.75 Hargrave Paint,& Varnish, <br />7.55 Mittler Supply Co. <br />8.29 Office Engineers, Inc. <br />23.50 The Ridge Co. <br />46.15 Scherman - Schaus Freeman Co. <br />750.10 Geo, R. Stroup <br />109.30 The Studebaker Corporation <br />85.23 The Studebaker Corporation <br />2.00 Ziker Cleaners, Inc <br />$30.00 <br />5.00 <br />-89.77 <br />19.20 <br />6.50 <br />2180 <br />,14.67 <br />7.22 <br />11.00 <br />4. 0 <br />31. 8 <br />8.12 <br />33.65 <br />Chief of Police, R. J. Gillen, appeared before the Board and <br />presented the application of Edith Morton for Special Police commission. <br />Application was signed and approved by the Board. <br />Chief of Police, R. J. Gillen, next submitted the Police Department <br />application of Jerome T. Ewald, which was examined by the Board and <br />ordered placed on file, <br />ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT: <br />A petition, dated November 4, 1953, for street lights on Canterbury <br />Drive, from SusseX Drive to Grove Street, was examined by the Board and <br />referred to Supt. Hunsberger for investigation and report. <br />The recommendation of Supt, Ira Hunsberger for the installation <br />of a 4000 lumen light on the west side of the street at 4614 Linden <br />Avenue, was approved by the Board. <br />FIRE DEPARTMENT: <br />Next appeared before the Board, Fire Chief, Richard J. Duck, and <br />informed the Board that final billing for the construction of Fire Station <br />No. 14 has been received and except for a few minor changes, the station is <br />now ready to be placed in service. Accordingly, the matter of the required <br />personnel must now be arranged. The Chief then proceeded to read to the <br />Board his report to Mayor Scott of August 5th2 setting forth the plan <br />for the manning of Fire Station No. 14, "by the abandoning of Fire Station <br />No. 3, now obsolete, since the area served is overlapped by seven other <br />engine companies. The Chief next read a letter from the National Fire <br />Underwriters, under date of November 3, 1953, concurring in the recommen- <br />dations made by the Chief in his report of August 5th. <br />At this juncture, the Board was addressed by Mr. Arthur P. Perley, <br />calling attention to the fact that the immediate neighborhood served by <br />Fire Station No. 3 is largely commercialized and the numerous factory <br />buildings in this area are all old and present a serious fire hazard, and <br />contending that Station No. 3 should not be abandoned. Congested traffic <br />at certain hours on the three bridges was also mentioned as likely to <br />greatly slow down fires equipment from the west side of the river. <br />Mr. George N. McLean also protested the closing of Fire Station No..3. <br />The Board then took the matter under advisement. .. <br />The time now being 11 :35 A. M., the meeting recessed, to proceed <br />with business after the lunch hour. <br />The Board reconvened at 1 :00 P.M. and taking up the matter of <br />personnel for Fire Station No. 14, confirmed and approved Fire Chief <br />Duck's report of August 5th, authorizing the transfer of the personnel <br />of Fire Station No. 3, and approving the use of Fire Station No. <br />the Police and Fire Department Radio Repair Shop. 3 as <br />There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting <br />was adjourned at 1 :15 P.M. <br />Attest: <br />