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October_ 19, 1953 <br />A regular meeting of the Board of Public Safety was held Monday, <br />October 19, 1953, at 10 :00 A. M. All members were present. Minutes of <br />the previous meeting were read and approved. Claims of the following <br />suppliers, in the total amount of $1503.47, were approved and ordered <br />paid: <br />St. Joseph Chapter Amer. Red Cross <br />$50.82 <br />Gerber Manufacturing Co. <br />18.00 <br />Mine Safety Appliances <br />82,50 <br />Radio & Tele. Dist. Co. <br />13.74 <br />Office Supply & Equipment Co. <br />6.00 <br />Kay Line Industries <br />109.50 <br />Motorola Comm. & Elect. Co. <br />29.74 <br />Indiana Bell Telephone Co. <br />10,35 <br />Gerber Mfg. Co. <br />67.00 <br />FIRE DEPARTMENT: <br />Postmaster' <br />$18.03 <br />S. W. Gerber Uphol.Co. <br />516.60 <br />Office Supply & Equip. <br />5.50 <br />Haenes Sign Co. <br />94.78 <br />Western Union Telegraph <br />21.16 <br />Gerber Mfg. Co. <br />6.50 <br />Sinclair Refining Co. <br />415,97 <br />Gerber Mfg. Co. <br />21,10 <br />Davies Laundry & Cleaning <br />16.18 <br />First appeared before the Board, Fire Chief,; Richard J. Duck, and <br />informed the Board of three vacancies now existing in his department, for <br />which immediate appointments are necessary. Upon the recommendation of <br />Chief Duck, the Board appointed the following three applicants as probation- <br />ary firemen, contingent upon their successful passing of the required <br />physical examination and their approval by the Firements Pension Fund Board= <br />John J. Bukowski <br />Robert L. Mitchell <br />Louis F. Schleiger, Jr. <br />POLICE DEPARTMENT: <br />Chief of Police, Richard J. Gillen, being present, brought to the <br />attention of the Board, the forming of an Air Police organization by the <br />Civil Air Patrol, to be available to co- ordinate with the South Bend Police <br />Department whenever the special type of service they are equipped to render <br />may be required. In this connection, Chief Gillen then recommended the <br />appointment ;as special police officers in and for the City of South Bend, <br />Russell M. Lewis, Clarence J. Meyers, Thomas D. Miller, and Lawrence I E. <br />Thiel. The Board, thereupon, approved and signed these appointments. <br />Upon the recommendation of Chief of Police,R. J. Gillen, the Board next <br />appointed Alice Lesniewski, an employee of the School City of South Bend, <br />to be a special police officer in and for the City of South Bend. <br />The Chief next brought to the Board's attention, the request of Detectve <br />Sgt. Gustave C. Schuttrow to retire on Police Pension basis, as of November <br />1, 1953, on which date he will have completed twenty years, one month and <br />ten days service. The Board approved the request granting the customary <br />two weeks vacation allowance, thereby making Det. Sgt. Schuttrowl s retire- <br />ment effective November 15, 1953, <br />It now being the time set for the opening of bids, announaemen.t was so <br />made, and the Board proceeded, as follows: <br />1 <br />1 <br />BID TO SUPPLY CAR FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT <br />SCHERMAN- SCHAUS- FREEMAN CO. A Non - Collusion Affidavit <br />SOUTH BEND, INDIANA and Certified Check in the <br />amount of $153.00, accompanied <br />the bid. <br />1 - 1953 Studebaker Champion Custom 4 -Door <br />Sedan equipped as per specifications <br />in proposal ------------------- - - ---- $1903-92- <br />Less 15% Discount-- - - - - -- 253.57 <br />35 Less Tax Exemption- - - - - -- 125.25 <br />_77'5 - 1 G <br />