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f.'. <br />September 8, 1953 <br />A regular meeting of the Board of Public Safety was held Monday, <br />eptember -85 1953, at 10 :00 A. M. All members were present. Minutes of <br />he previous meeting were read and approved. Salary claims in the amount <br />f $74,339.28, were approved. Claims of the following suppliers, in the <br />otal amount of $10,075.05, were approved and ordered paid: <br />meson Service Station <br />$174.00 <br />Anderson Service Station <br />$13.30 <br />elleville Lbr. & Supply Co <br />5.72 <br />Belleville Lumber & Supply Co. <br />12.2 <br />,uekeye Telephone & Supply Co. <br />24.26 <br />The Gibson Co. <br />52.2 <br />:argrave Paint & Varnish Co. <br />2 <br />Indiana Bell Telephone Co. <br />9.19 <br />ndiana Bell Telephone Co. <br />:k9 <br />27. 0 <br />Indiana & Michigan Electric <br />Co. 7.64 <br />ndiana & Michigan Electric Co. <br />9.60 <br />Indiana & Michigan Electric <br />Co.35.92 <br />ndiana Paint & Wallpaper Co. <br />8.50 <br />Memorial Hospital <br />3000 <br />.otorola Comm. & Electronics <br />.344.49 <br />Harry Nicodemus <br />25.00 <br />ffice Supply & Equipment Co. <br />9.38 <br />Office Supply & Equipment Co. <br />15.00 <br />ffice Supply &Equipment Co. <br />6.60 <br />Radio & Television Dist. Co <br />.80 <br />adio & Television Dist, Co. <br />36.11 <br />Radio & Television Dist. Co. <br />6.30 <br />outh Bend Assoc. of Commerce <br />30.00 <br />The Studebaker Corporation <br />79:19 <br />arry H. Verkler <br />9117.78 <br />W. A. R. Equipment Co. <br />3.20 <br />ire & Disc. Wheel Sales <br />15.46 <br />DEPARTMENT: <br />The Board first re- examined bids received and opened at the regular <br />.eeting of August 3, 1953, and it was the unanimous opinion of the Board <br />hat the proposal of the American LaFrance Foamite Corporation of Elmira, <br />Y. to provide one 750 G.P.M. Pumper at the price of $17,200.00, was <br />he best bid received and contract was awarded accordingly. Mr. Watson, <br />epresentative of the American LaFrance Foamite Corporation, being present <br />onfirmed the 175 days delivery indicated in their proposal and agreed to <br />he deferment of payment until the June distribution of taxes has been <br />ffected. The Clerk was directed to issue formal purchase order for this <br />quipment. <br />Fire Chief, Richard J. Duck, being present, brought to the attention <br />of the Board the Fire Departmentts need for a Fire Chiefts car. Funds <br />having been appropriated for this purpose, and the age and mileage of car <br />in current use indicating its need of replacement, the Board approved the <br />securing of this piece of equipment, and directed the Clerk to proceed <br />with the required legal advertising upon receipt of definite specifications <br />from the Chief. <br />Some discussion took place concerning disposition of two large electric <br />of water heaters in possession of the Fire Department, but no longer in <br />se. It was suggested this equipment should be transferred to whatever <br />department of the municipal government is in position to put it into <br />practical and economic use. <br />P LICE DEPARTMENT: <br />The request of Chief of Police, "Rich. J. Gillen, for permission to <br />attend the annual convention of the International Association of Chiefs <br />of Police, to be held in Detroit, September 13th to 17th inclusive, was <br />approved by the Board. <br />TRICAL DEPARTMENT: <br />Supt. Ira Hunsberger was present and discussed matters pertaining to <br />s department. <br />The Fire Department Injuries Report for the month of August was <br />..e amined and ordered filed. <br />Captaints and Lieutenantts Reports covering runs made to out -lying <br />a ea, under dates of August 21, 27, 28 and 31st, and involving Engine <br />C mpanies Nos. 11, 12 and 13, were examined and ordered filed. <br />There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting <br />journed at 11:40 A. M. <br />a <br />Attest: Chair an <br />Clerk <br />