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July 27, 1953 <br />A regular meeting of the <br />Board of Public Safety was held Yonday, <br />vly 27, 1953 at 10 :00 A. M. <br />T,'[inutes of the previous meeting were <br />read <br />nd approved. Claims of the <br />following suppliers, in the amount of <br />x,5669.59 <br />'ere approved and ordered paid: <br />ne-rican LaFrance Foe-mite Co. <br />`�IOL;_.00 <br />Axelberg Brothers <br />?5.1 0 <br />obbs- Co. <br />2.00 <br />Brennants Jewelers <br />6.00 <br />TTerrill <br />ar Parts, Inc. <br />4.96 <br />Car Parts, Inc. <br />8.00 <br />ar Parts, Inc. <br />7.09 <br />The Gibson Co. <br />62.72 <br />'he Gibson Co. <br />6.56 <br />Hoffman Bros. Auto Elect. <br />20.76 <br />dw. 1.. Hanyzeiiiski <br />60.00 <br />Indiana Bell Telephone <br />Co. 9.19 <br />ndiana Bell Telephone Co. <br />9.144 <br />Indiana. Bell Telephone <br />Co.27.79 <br />ndiana Bell Telephone Co. <br />123.2: <br />- ^:' ar.a Bell Telephone <br />Co.29.60 <br />ndiana Paint & !!Mllpaper Co. <br />14.34 <br />Koontz- Ivagner Electric <br />59.1.2 <br />[ittle-r Supply Co. <br />6.90 <br />National Body Co. <br />52.50 <br />"elson Engineering Co. <br />3.60 <br />No. Indiana Public Service <br />1.00 <br />ailway Express Co. <br />5.L;_2 <br />Bernard J. Reiter <br />60.00 <br />1' . Smith Co. <br />22.00 <br />The Studebaker Corporation <br />4.78 <br />.lbert <br />'he Studebaker Corporation <br />36.71 <br />The Studebaker Corporation] <br />-5.58 <br />'ire tc Disc '' ,rneel Sales <br />6.63 <br />Iffirc & Disc V:7.eel Sales <br />13.82 <br />CO. JTy"i1an. Co. <br />35.21 <br />X71. A. R. Equipment Co. <br />2.90 <br />erber T.ig. Co. <br />3.75 <br />Gerber Ts'ig. Co. <br />51;7.35 <br />chilling=s <br />11.37 <br />Koontz- 151agner Elect.Co. <br />19.69 <br />iotorola, Inc. <br />1.102.72 <br />Tiotorol_a, Inc. <br />3.64 <br />IRE DEPARTT:!;ENT: <br />Asstt. Chief A. 0. Brown appeared before the Board and brought to <br />he Boards attention the muck fire prevailing west of Belleville and south <br />f Somerset Avenue, on land believed to be the property of the Colpaert <br />ealty Company. In view of the current water situation and the fact that <br />he fire, at present is -remote from any buildings, the Board directed <br />ss1t. Chief Brown to advise the property owners to establish a trench <br />round the fire, the practice which has been successful for the control <br />f such fires in the past. <br />OLICE DEPARMITM: <br />Chief of Police, Richard J. Gillen, being present, first placed before <br />he Board, the request of Officer fm. D. Bush for permission to attend the <br />ational Guard training maneuvers, in which the organization of which the <br />fficer is a. member, Headquarters Company, 293rd Infantry, Indiana National <br />uard, will be engaged from July 25th to August 9th inclusive. The Board <br />ranted its permission. <br />The Board next constituted and appointed, upon recorunendation of Chief <br />illen, Gerald Dean Smoot, an employee of American District Telegraph <br />ompany, to be a special police officer in and for the City of South Bend. <br />EC TRICAL DEPARMIENT: <br />y <br />The recommendation of Supt. Ira Hunsberger that the pole be changed <br />d a 2500 lumen light replace the 1000 lumen light used at the alley <br />tersection south of 1Testern Avenue, between -gain and T,ichigan Streets, <br />s approved by the Board. <br />Supt. Hunsberger Is reconziendation, for the installation of a 4000 <br />umen light on the southeast corner of Oak Park Drive and White Oak Drive, <br />,as approved by the Board. <br />The request of C. Harry Swanson, Inc. for street lighting at five <br />ntersections in Swanson Park Addition was referred to Superintendent Ira <br />unsberger for investigation and report. <br />A petition, dated July 27, 1953, for improved street lighting at the <br />orner of Bowman and Leer Streets, was examined by the Board and referred <br />o Superintendent Ira Hunsberger for investigation and report. <br />A petition, dated July 27, 1953, for improved lighting at the inter - <br />section of Green Street and Goodland Avenue, was examined by the Board <br />end referred to Superintendent Ira Hunsberger for investigation and report. <br />