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9 <br />on <br />July 13, 1953 <br />A regular meeting of the <br />Board of <br />Public Safety was held iilonday, <br />July 13, 1953 at 10 :00 A. 1,,% <br />m0nutes of the previous meeting were <br />read <br />and approved. Claims of the <br />following <br />suppliers, in the amount of <br />,:1�16946 144Y <br />were approved and ordered paid: <br />krtera.ft Printers <br />- 169.50 <br />Bobbs Verrill Co.,Inc. <br />X 17.50 <br />B_raham Laboratories <br />58.11 <br />Car Parts, Inc. <br />8.75 <br />'ity Water Works <br />2.35 <br />City Water Works <br />16.68 <br />Davies Laundry & Cleaning Co. <br />17.70 <br />L. 0. Gates Cher. Co. <br />2.21 <br />xerber PT!fg. Co. <br />169.75 <br />Gerber ititfg. Co. <br />157.50 <br />Berber I,1fg. Co. <br />18.85 <br />Richard J. Gillen <br />12.50 <br />Pdward M. Haneyzewski <br />60.00 <br />Indiana Bell Telephone Co. <br />11.35 <br />Indiana & I,iiehigan Elect. Co. <br />40.24 <br />Indiana & I,Lichigan Electric <br />142.32 <br />Prank Kettring, P.M. <br />53.09 <br />Charles W. File <br />70.00 <br />Koontz- Wagner Electric Co. <br />2.70 <br />Makielski Art Shop <br />7085 <br />'National Brake Service, Inc. <br />3.10 <br />Nicholls Printery <br />21.50 <br />Dffice Supply & Equipment Co. <br />6.60 <br />Peltz- KauferDiv.Inlander <br />18.90 <br />radio Distributing Co. <br />29.60 <br />Bernard J. Reiter <br />60.00 <br />St. Joseph Hospital <br />20.00 <br />Albert W. Smith <br />6.00 <br />"apt. Elmer Sokol <br />14.25 <br />South Bend Electric Co. <br />5.22 <br />So. Bend. Seat Cover Co. <br />49.95 <br />4A1. J. Sto ;dill, M.D. <br />26.00 <br />Standard Automotive Supply <br />3.41.1 <br />Super Par Auto Laundry <br />140.00 <br />Harry H. Verkler, Contractor <br />5359.5 <br />Weisberger Bros., Inc. <br />60.00 <br />'Iestern Union Telegraph Co. <br />3.2 <br />The request of Rev. C. J. <br />Witucki <br />for permission to conduct the <br />mnual church festival to be held at the school location, 623 South <br />Vebster Street and 1301 W. Fisher <br />Street, from July 19th to July 26th <br />Inclusive, was granted on the <br />regular basis as outlined in Rev. Wituckits <br />letter, dated July 11, 1953, which the <br />Board ordered filed. <br />'IRE DEPART1,5INT: <br />Fire Chief, Richard J. Duck, being present, placed before the Board, <br />he specifications for a 750- gallon pumper. The Fire Department being <br />n need of this equipment at this time, and delivery of such equipment <br />equiring a period of months, the Board authorized its purchase and <br />irected the Clerk to proceed immediately with the required legal adver- <br />ising. <br />OLICE DEPARTMENT: <br />Chief of Police, Richard J. Gillen, being present, placed before the <br />oard the request of Capt. Clem F. Hazinski for leave of absence necessary <br />o comply with his status as a U. S. Marine Reserve. This leave, having <br />he recommendation of both Chief Gillen and P«ayor John A. Scott, was <br />hereupon granted by the Board. <br />The Chief then brought to the Boardts attention, the offer of the <br />ivic Planning Association to permit the -use of a portion of their <br />roperty, accessible through the alley between Madison and 14a.rion Streets, <br />or the parking of privately- otilmed cars of member's of the Police Department <br />Pee of charge. The Board authorized the acceptance of the offer, stipu- <br />ating that the Police Department furnish the Civic Planning Association <br />Lth a letter releasing the association from any claim or liability for <br />images in connection with the use of this property by members of the <br />dice Department; letter to be signed by the individual members availing <br />iemselves of the parking facilities offered. <br />A copy of Police Department Report C -7569, covering accident involving <br />G vernor Grady, Jr., under date of June 7, 1953, was received by the Board and <br />o dered filed. <br />TRICAL DEPARTIVIENT: <br />The recommendation of Superintendent Ira Hunsberger, for the installation <br />a 4000 lumen light at each of the following intersections, received the <br />roval of the Board: <br />Lawrence and Peashway Streets Varsity Drive and Colfax Avenue <br />Holiday Drive and Colfax Ave. Holiday Drive and Wilson Street. <br />There being no further business to come Wore the Board, the meeting <br />adjourned at 11:00 A. II. <br />Attest: C rman <br />